Wednesday 24 June 2015

Free Will

Free Will.

This entry, now does have to do, and with the said issue/matter in all, and of Free Will, and as said too, Political, or even said Politics in itself that is. However, we shall not actually present it as such, and as said truly Political that is, but that in all again, attempt now, to very much claim here that, what they do term Free Will, might be said even, a pre-requisite, and in defining Success too, and as said even, to very much speak of this Blog that is.

However, before we can go and into more details, and in regards to all this, is to now say that, most in Africa, and as said even uneducated, and about whom/who in all they truly are said to be, and in life's Experiences too, it all does even speak, and of the very manner in all, they do define Spaces for instance. That for most out there, and upon entering any Space, the very belief now that, a said Room for instance, is simply said a Box, Square or Rectangle in its ways, and such that, one does in all even truly conceptualize so to say, any said Experience, Problem/Situation or Feeling too, and with speak, and of Spaces that is, and as simply said imagined Geometric in all. Hopefully and again, this is understood, and by saying now that, the said experiences and that one does in all even associate and with what one could best term here, a Private Space for instance, are believed in all even to translate it can best be said here too, and to what one too, could in all even term, everyday experiences that is. In all, what is been said here is that, the conceptualizing of Space, does not have to be said Geometric, and in speak of a Square or Box too, and in helping one ponder out, or think out many a said problem/situation too for instance, but that in all again, in speak too now, and of what does too pass for an Education, and with it all even said to basically refer, and to speak of Exclusionism/Inclusionism that is. That Spaces in all, can best be envisioned, and in speak now of the Opening, Awakening or Embracing of life in itself, best said envisioned in all, and in speak now too, and of the Holographic that is. Hopefully, this is understood, and in now speaking too of what does pass for an Education, and in saying that, Knowledge in itself, can be said in all presented, and from said even Geometric Viewpoints/Perspectives, or those said too, Holographic that is [for the Holographic, now too, does ask of us, to in all even simply ask, who is truly said the Observer, and in just about any given Situation too that is].

However, this entry, does actually truly deal, and with speak and of what they do term the Free Will that is. For the Free Will, is now believed too, and to speak, and of the very reason, African Economies, are said even, not functioning or working that is, and as they should, or as said believed in all truly even, and as said too, having no true Status to them that is. That Free Will in all, is believed said even, the best and of manners in all, and in truly determining that is, the said too, outcome, and if not trend, and of any said activity too for instance. That in all, what we are trying to say here is that, Free Will, is best said associated here, and to speak too of Media in itself, for most said even truly functioning Economies out there that is, are often believed said driven, and by said high-profile Media for instance, and as versus speak now too, and of Free Will that is. That the very said Idea of Free Will, does in all even too, meet speak of, Evolutionary Theory, and in speak too now, and of what they do term Determinism that is. That often termed (Biological) Determinism, does tell us that, Free Will, is now said too, very much, an agent, and of a said even External or Invisible force too that is. In saying that, life in Africa, is truly driven it does appear, and by event, and that does in all even refer, and to speak too of Determinism, is to now say too that, the very world of Technology and so to say, does in all even approximate, and to life's Experiences, and as said too and to refer, and to speak of Non-Determinism, and if not of Indeterminism too that is.

In all, the said even, Importance/Significance and of Technology in our lives too, now does have us pondering lives, and away from those which do in all even refer and to speak of Free Will, and onwards to those driven by Media, obviously too, and which do in all even associate Non-Determinism, and if not Indeterminism too, and with the said Technology at hand that is [and in further speak too perhaps, and of that said question, and which does say: Which did in all come first? the Hen or the Egg].

In all, and in now saying that, most African societies, are said in all even defined in all, and not by speak truly of Media, or of Free Will too, but in all again, and in speak now, and of Deficits, Differentials, and Disparities too that is [hopefully, this is understood and to most Africans, and in now saying that, it is believed said the very reason, and of why, most out there, don't truly care, and to interact much, and with Africans that is]. In however saying that, Deficits, Disparities, or even Differentials in all, are often simply said Economic, the true or harsh reality, does in all even and on the otherhand, say that, Disparities, and in African society, are simply said Racial, while in speak of Deficits, they now said Social, but in speak of Differentials, speak now and of Local/Localized Identities that is.

Friday 12 June 2015

An African Party

An African Party.

There is a lie, that is told and replicated to many, and about the said often termed 'Black Man', and with he even said African truly too that is. That this lie, now does too, speak of the 'Black Man', and as said even, having no Soul to him, and such that, it does all demand or require, that the said situation been spoken of here, and of the 'Black Man', and as said even possessing no Soul to him, demand or require, that the 'Black Man', seek out, such a Soul in all, in speak here too, and of a said even White Jesus that is.

The Party, is often believed said to speak, and of a said manner in all, and of socializing, many a person that is. This though, can be said truly, and to speak of the Party, and as said Social that is, for that said even Political, is in all even believed, to speak too of Ambition or Intent in itself, and not of many a Dream desired, and in speak now too, and of that said again Social that is. 

In saying that, the Party is very much said African too, and as said even Religious, and if not Political too, is to in all even acquaint or equate it all that is, and to speak too of Dahomey in itself. For the Party, and as said even Dahomey, and as versus that said Roman too, now does have the Roman, seeking to define oneself, and in Interest too perhaps, while that said even Dahomey, now does in all even speak, and of the African Soul too that is [and as probably said Black too in all]. 

What though, we are in all even, trying to get at here, is that, the African, or 'Black Man' too, is often believed said to simply have no Soul to him, and as versus speak now and of Intellect, or Intelligence, and a Soul too, and that would in all even enable him, to dream up Success, and not simply imitate, or copy others that is. That to be African in all, is to be, Original, and in ones ways/manners that is, and as versus having to copy or imitate others, and not only and in speak now and of the defining of the Human Soul (and in speak now too, and of a said  even 'Black James Bond' that is), but in speak too now, and of the dreaming up, or of the defining, and of Success, and that does in all even meet, the World outside Africa, and in regard too that is.

For those, who have in all even heard, Bob Marley's ,'Buffalo Soldier', is to now speak and of many a lie told, and of the African, and as truly said African-American that is. That the lie been told here is that, African-Americans, involved, and in the American Civil War, are in all even discriminated against, and forced in all, and to fight, and in said Black Units, and in speak now too perhaps, and of their said possessing no Soul to them that is, and outside speak of Slavery too. That the lie been told, now too, does say that, African-Americans, do in all even fight, and for both the Union Jack, and if not for the Confederacy too that is. The lie though, does in all even actually, simply in all say, and on been put to the test, scrutiny, that, it does not matter, and if, or if not, African-Americans, do in all even fight for the Union Jack, or for the Confederacy too, and in now saying that, the lie, does speak and of the said even inferiority, and of the Black/African Unit too that is.

That this Unit, is actually in all, organized and so to say, and in the very form of an African Party, Dahomey too perhaps, and without an Umbrella to it all too, but that this Party/Unit, and in speak of the Soul, now too, does in all even come to define, the very manner in all, the American Civil War, is simply fought out that is. That this Soul, does not speak truly, and of names, and such as Ulysses S. Grant, General Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davies, George Gordon Meade, or even, that of Abraham Lincoln in himself too, but that, this Soul, is actually truly said, and to speak truly, and of Gettysburg, and in Address too that is.


African Myth

African Myth.

There is a said Myth out there, and that has in all even, come to be highly acclaimed in all, and in History too, and that is in all even truly believed, intrinsically said, African, and in its ways/manners too that is. A Myth too, and that can be spelt out simply, and in speak of Names, and Names too, and that do speak and of the following: Moses, Alexander, Mohammed, and if not that of Toussaint L'Overture too that is.

A Myth, and that does in all even speak, and of Africa, and as simply said even, in Trouble, and in regards, and to speak of Mobilizing, Africans, or the Masses too, and in said now speak, and of a better future, and for all that is. That the said problem here, does not speak of Mobilization in itself, but speak now truly, and of what said Future that is, is actually truly believed in all, said best for all, and in speak now too, and of History, and in the Making that is. A Myth too, and that has in all even, come to define Africans, and as said a Dominated, or even, Downtrodden too, people that is, and in now saying that, it is a Myth too, said even hi-jacked in its ways/manners in all, and in speak now too, and of the very names and of Dr. Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, and if not of Malcolm X too that is.

A Myth in all, not believed truly, to hold much Power today, and to it all, and in now saying that, it is a Myth too, now said even, and to speak and of the African, and in embarrassment or shame too that is.

In understanding this Myth much better, is to now too, view it all, and from a said even, Symbolic that is, Representation too. That in speak, and of the Myth, and as said even to refer to Moses, speak now, and of it all equated, and to speak of the Staff that is, and as believed even said to refer, and to the very belief that, the God of Moses, or of the Israelites too, now does present 'himself' as such, and in his said attempt, to conquer, the said Gods of Egypt, and in freeing the Israelites now, and if not in speak too of Pharaoh in himself that is. That which does speak though, and of the very name of Alexander, now too, does speak even, and of a Greece in turmoil, and of Alexander, and in a said even Mythic Journey, the Hero's Journey, does now and in all even, attempt, to have the said peoples of Greece, rediscover themselves in all, and in regards, and to speak, and of the very reason or belief, and of just why, a said even truly peaceful in its ways, Greece, could in all even come to fall/collapse that is. That which does speak though, and of Mohammed, is known to culminate, and in the manifestation of Islam, for it too now, does have to it, the very symbol that is, and of the Dagger actually, and not of the Sword either, and Dagger too, very much said even African looking, and in further speak now and of Alexander that is, and in speak too now and of the Greek Spear. It is that though, this very Myth said, and which does in all even refer, and to the very names of Touissant L'Overture, and if not of Makaya the Congo, Georges Biassou, Jeannot, Henri Caesar, and which now does see, Africans in themselves, said too from Dahomey in all, sail to Haiti that is, and in time, find themselves, and at the very said center of the Haitian Revolution in itself, and as said even Key-Figures that is, and as now too, differing, and from the said even European faction, and of Haitians, and such as speak of Henri Cristophe, Andre Rigaud, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Jean-Baptiste Belley, and who in all even, are carried by the spirit, and of the French Flag, said a Moor Flag too, and as versus speak now and of the Haitian Flag, and as said too, and to refer, and to the African faction, and who do in all even truly represent themselves, Symbolically that is, and in speak and of the Machete that is. In all, this said Myth, now having to it, Africans, and in the Americas, and as simply said today, excluded in all, and from American life, and in many a way too that is.

In all though, what can be said, and of this Myth, is that, it too, does actually very much take, an Italian form in all, and to it all, and that, it is in all even believed here, and by the Blogger too, that it is this very version, and of this Myth, Italian, and that could be said too, beneficial, to Africa today that is. For that said even, to speak of MLK, does in all even refer, and to speak of Mohammed too that is. However, the above said is not the all, and to it all, and in now saying that, this Myth, does not in all even speak of Intellect, Intelligence, Supremacy, or of Victory in itself too, but that in all even, it is believed said, and in speak here too, and of the Advent of an African Democarcy, grounded in all, and in the said search, and for an Artifact, and Artifact too, African, believed said capable, and of defining Africans, and as said a people too, and a people, said even, Indomitable in spirit, and if not truly Altruistic, and to each other that is.