Sunday 19 July 2015



When those in Africa, do in all even think of a said Material base, that we can all simply acknowledge or say, to represent Africa and as said one, is to then in all, probably truly think Ritzy that is.

Saturday 11 July 2015

the African Experience

the African Experience.

In referring here, and to speak of the African Experience, is to now too, say it even Egyptian, and as with it all even said, to speak of Bondage, and not Slavery truly either. That all this, and as now simply best said too, now does speak of perceiving Africa's problems, and not from speak of Background truly, but in all even, and from speak of Africans it can be said, and as said even unwilling too, and in Admitting to themselves, many a said even Mistake, made, and in speak of Africa's said past too, and that does too speak of Mental Shackles / Repulsion, and if not of Africa, and as said Lagging behind, and not as said Undeveloped that is.

That Bondage, is too said simply, an Egyptian Experience, and in regards and to speak of Egyptian History, and as with it all even too, said to refer, and to speak of Paralysis, Disability, and if not in speak of the Invalid/Invalidation too that is. 

In however saying that, what they do term the African Experience, does in all even speak of Mental Shackles (and of what they do term Repulsion too), is to now say that, it is in all even believed the largest said problem in all, and in regards and to simply having make an African Commerce it can be said here, a reality that is. That what in all is been said here is that, and simply too, this Blog, does not have to do, and with the very question and of what African Leadership is simply said to be, but in all again, speak now truly, and of said African Spirituality in all, and as said and to speak of Contemplation/Reflection that is [and not of Meditation truly either]. 

In all, speak here too, and of the said African-American Experience, and as said even believed now, originating, and with speak of Africa in itself, for African Slavery and into the Americas in all, does in all even refer it can be said here, and to speak of African Backgrounds, and if not in speak too and of just whom/who in all, Africans, are said to be, and in regards and to speak of Contemplation/Reflection that is. In all, and unknown to most, the said termed African-American Experience, now does in all even speak, and of the said arrival of African Slaves, and into the United States / Southern States of America in all, and with they now too said separated in all, and from each other, and in speak now and of African-American History, and as said even perceived, and from speak of the following names in all: the Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Georgetown, Florida etc. That what is been said here is that, African-Americans, do in all even possess Spirituality, and that does too speak of Bondage, and that does in all even speak of an African-American Contemplation/Reflection tradition, and which does in all even see, African-American Identity, and in the United States of America that is, now said to have a home truly, and in both North / South Carolina that is, and with both States too, simply in all even said African-American, and in Culture too that is [and as with it all even said to speak of a Consolidated African-American Identity, and away and from that said Black American, or Afro-American too that is].