Thursday 22 October 2015


of Replication.

Kenya : Work Ethic / Workforce

Tanzania : Labour

Uganda : Manpower


of Transcriptions.


of Interpretations.

Kenya = Workmanship

Tanzania = Manufacturing

Uganda = Production

Wednesday 21 October 2015



Kenya :- Equity

Tanzania :- Commission (Labour)

Benin :- Intellectual Property (Intellectual Capital)

Tuesday 20 October 2015

the River Deity

the River Deity.

This entry, does very well have to do, and with what does in all even pass for, or serve for too, speak, and of Persecution in itself that is. For what is Persecution? It too can be said, that part of us, very much too said to speak, and of what Motivation, the Driving force, Will, are in all said to be, or in speak too, and of what does entail, and for speak of Urgency in itself that is [and on ones part, and in regard to just about anything that is]. That this said defining of Persecution, does in all even speak, and of one, and in regard and to what too, does pass for the Spiritual Condition, or of the Human Condition you, and of the said need even, to prove oneself, and as said too Worthy, or of said Value too that is.

That Persecution, now does too speak and of those who would prevent the above said from happening in all, and which too does too speak of one, and in Denial too for instance, or as said self-persecuting too, and in speak of one and as said possessing, a poor Self-Image too for instance. In all, is to speak too now, and of the very fact that, Persecution, is believed in all, something truly defining and of History in itself, and away too, from speak and of those who do perceive History, and from speak too and of Judgment in itself that is [and in said speak too here, and of the said birth, and rise and of Christianity too that is].

While it can be said, that the World today, is said more or less truly defined, and by speak of Persecution in itself, and of what too is said Fair, Unfair, or Not Fair either (and not in speak of Justice truly either, but in speak too now and of the Claim in itself that is), is to not now truly, throw in the word of Acclaim in itself too, but that in all again, the attempt here to open up Eyes, and in speak here too and of the said Psychology of Blindness (and if not in speak too of the Blessing), and in now attempting to in all even speak. and of what does in all even pass for Persecution, and of Africans, and outside Africa too that is.

That Persecution, can too now be said perceived, and from speak of the very manner in all, one is said perceived, and from speak of Image, and if not said Identity too, and in now too claiming that, there is the said added element in all, and of Trust, and in regard, and to what too, does pass for, or serve for speak and of Persecution in itself that is.

That in speak of Persecution, and as pertaining to speak of Trust, and if not of Image, and of said Identity too, and towards those too said African that is, and in Central Asia too, it all can be said to speak too, and of the very said term of Sanction that is [and something too, and that does too speak of Central Asian History in itself that is]. In speak of Europe, and if not in speak now, and of the very manner in all, Europe, has in all even come to shape or define in all, the said termed Western World that is, is to now too, associate speak of the Persecuting of Africans, and with speak and of Western notions or definitions, and of Privacy in itself too that is. In speak of North America, or of the United States of America too, the Persecuting of Africans, does too very well speak, and of the said term/word of Embargo that is. In speak now though, and of Italy and Egypt, and as said having similar in all, modes that is, and of Persecuting Africans, then it can be said to speak and of Africa and in History, and if not of the said Corruptible nature of the African (and as according to Italy), and of the said Uncivil nature of the African too (and as according to Egypt today that is). In regard to the said, rest of the World that is, the Persecuting of Africans, now said to speak, and of Ignorance in itself, and in regard and to what too, does speak and of African culture in itself that is.

In all, a said added notice here, and that does too say, Persecution, and in speak of said olden or past African societies too that is, does in all even appear, to have very well gone along, and with speak too, and of what does in all speak of River Spirits or Deities too, and if African Religious Beliefs, and as having to do, and with speak too of African Divinities that is [and all this, now too said, and in regard too, and to what does too speak of Chastising, or the passing of Judgment too, and in said speak too of African Law that is].

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Free Energy

Free Energy.

It can be said, and in the said Egyptian tradition too, that the said Key, and to in all even unraveling, what Free Energy (and as said too Technology), is said to be all about, does in all even lie, and in speak and of what Gyration, is simply said to be.