Sunday 30 November 2014

African Expediency

African Expediency.

In speaking here and on the average, of African Expediency, is to now in all even speak of African Philosophy or Ideology too, and as going along in all, and with speak of the Treaty, and as signifying or denoting in all, the importance or significance, and of Cooperation, and in helping Develop Africa, and from more or less a Regional, Local or Continental perspective, and as compared and to speak of that said National too that is.

That National Identity, and in Africa too, has proven difficult in all and in its defining in all again that is, and as with it all even associated and with speak of Neo-Colonialism in itself too, and in speak too now of African Identity here in all, and as said grounded in all again, and in speak of African Family/Customary Law that is [that what is been said here is that, African Institutions (and as with they even said Traditional), African Ethnography, or even African Religious Systems that is (and as with they even said to speak of the Commercial / 'Money Confederacies' in Africa too), cannot in all be said and to take into account or accommodate too, the very lives and history in all even, and of many an African in all, or African Families in themselves too, and that African History and as perceived from accountability in all, and of each and every African life that is, or speak truly even and of explaining Slavery and to most out there too, does now speak of African History and as perceived specifically in all again, and from speak of African Family/Customary Law systems that is] [that this in all too, accountability that is, does in all even speak of the problems that plague most Africans today, and as African Institutions in many a way, and in speak of today too that is, cannot be said and to take into account, the very lives of all Africans, and in speak too and of what does constitute and for Tribalist Mentalities, and in Africa today that is] [and in speak too here in all, and of the very belief that, Africa's problems are in many a way even perceived simply and from a Resource Access/Accumulation perspective that is, when the view presented here in all again, does speak even and of the very belief that, African Institutions, are in many a way in all designed and in a manner/way, and that does in all even not take into account or accommodate in all again, all said believed even, patriotic African citizens that is].

That African Expediency in all, and as now perceived, and not truly from a Resource perspective that is, but in many a way truly, and from speak of Time too, and as said marked by the Event and in the form of the Declaration too, or speak even and of the By-Law/Resolution, and as said defining the Sovereign in itself that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, Africa in all, and as said even minimally Regulated, is believed said rather Chaotic in its ways, but when said maximally Regulated, speak of it all and as said Disorderly too, but speak now in all again, and of the Declaration, and as said African Spirituality too, now associated in all even, and with speak of the Disorderly that is, and in speak even and of Money, and as said Currency too in all, or speak in all again, and of the Sovereign, and as speaking of Africa and as said Chaotic in all, and Money too, and as now said Property/Asset/Liability that is. 

In all, not something to easy to spell out or see in its entirety truly, and in a World today, dominated by News Media, and that does speak in all even, and of 'The Press' that is, and as said in all again, now perhaps redefining Chaos and Disorderliness in all, and to the benefit, and of those who do control Media perhaps, but that in all again, Expediency here, and in speak of the Declaration, the Sovereign, Chaos and Disorderliness, now going along and with speak of being a Media Critic/Analyst and of a kind too, and such that, Money and as said Currency, is now even said Localized that is, while Money and as said Property/Asset/Liability, is now even said and to speak of Networks, Systems or even truly in all again, speak of Political Organs in themselves that is.

In all, Power or Authority in itself too, and as speaking even of a Media Profile, and as hingering in all again, and in speak of the Event and the By-Law/Resolution too in all perhaps, and as with it Identity too, and in speak of Resources, now in all even said truly associated, and with Human Resources in themselves, and in speak of African existences, and as said truly defined and in speak of Flux in itself too (and not Materiality or Materialism truly either), and as said defined by Media (or many a Forum too), and as said truly speaking in all that is, and of many a said authentic or genuine Presentation Format/Layout in all, and as basically speaking even, and of a Local Meet/Meeting for instance.

In all again, African Expediency, and as said having nothing much to do for instance, and with speak of Equity, but in all ways even, and of Referencing in all, Chaos and Disorderliness in itself, and in speak too now of African life, and as said truly African in its ways/manners that is, and in speak of Drama too perhaps, a Story told, or in many a way even, speak of Uniqueness in itself, and as said referring and to what one could term the African Experience in itself, and as it is in many a way often believed and by many a person too, that African History is simply said not recognizable to most (and as referenced in all even, and from a Japanese Contextual Stance too for instance), and with History here in all, and as said referring to Experience, speaking now and of the defining of many a notion or norm in all again, and as having to do with Sex, Love and Intimacy too that is [and not speak of Gender or Age truly either] [that in all again, African Civilization, as approximating, approaching or even paralleling that said Japanese too, does speak even and of the African Poet, and as versus speak of the Japanese Poet too, and as this Blog in all, does very much associate African Civilization in itself, and alongside that said Japanese too, and with the Poet that is]. In all, the very search here, and for the African Experience, and as believed said truly Transformational, truly Political in all perhaps, or even truly Mythic in all that is.

Japanese Expediency: