Friday 20 February 2015



In referring and to speak of an African Commerce, and if not speak truly and of the advent of an African Democracy too, it all does in all even, have us truly questioning or pondering, what issues or matters in all, Political too, do truly matter that is so to speak, and in speak too and of the Historical Event, International too, and as said defining one today that is [and in speak of Media today too in all]. 

In understanding all this much better, is to now ask and of the very manner, or way in all, societies, and as said speaking of Human / Man-made Law in itself too, do arise, and in speak now and of their coming to be regulated in all again, and in speak of Money too that is. That speak of Regulation in Africa, has come in all again, and to speak of the UN too perhaps, and if not speak of the Constitutional too, and that it does in all even, obliterate in all, African Culture, and as with it all even believed said, truly grounded in all, and in speak of Custom in itself, and that said truly African too that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, Constitutional talk and of the Regulating of African societies in all, does in all even go against traditional, and if not that said conventional, popular, common, historical etc. grain of thought in all, and that does in all even, associate in all, African Concepts of Being/being in all again, and with speak too of African Ideas and of the Customary in all, and in speak truly of Exchanges, Deal-making and of Messaging too for instance. That Money in Africa, does not only speak of rates, prices and costs too, but that in all again, the very idea in all, and of African Money in itself, does in all even go against talk of the Constitutional in all, and in speak too of African Communications that is, and as it does in all even it is said now, very much become intertwined, and in speak too now and of African definitions of Prestige for instance, and if not of Propriety too, and that in all again, Africa, is best said regulated in all, and in speak truly of the defining of African Money, and as often perceived too, and from speak too of African Customary Law, and not in speak either and of the Constitutional that is [that Africa in all, and as it is, does not actually have to it, the History or Background in all again, to it, and that does in all even refer and to the Constitutional, but that in all again, International Banking, is believed now something said truly African that is].

The Establishment

The Establishment.

Those who do in all, speak of Developing Africa, don't in many a way, truly ponder it all out, and from speak in all and of the rock-bottom that is. That in all, and as bluntly said or put here in all again, this does in all even speak of living existences, and when one in all, has nothing but the clothes and to ones back or name too that is.

In describing Development as such, speak now and of the Middle East, and as said grounding development in all, and as referring and to the above in all truly, and in speak too of the (Social) Atelier that is [Link1, Link2]. In speak of the so termed Horn of Africa in all, but in speak again and of the Swahili peoples of Africa, ground zero, but disastrously too, and in speak of Khat too for instance, often said associated and with speak of the Den that is. In the United States of America on the otherhand, one has in all even seen Development, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of the Loft too that is [Link]. In Europe, and if not speak of Russia, the Salon in all, has often ruled or held sway over, speak too of Development that is.

In speak though, and of African Commerce, and of an African Democracy too, speak now truly, and of Development in all, and as said grounded truly, and in speak of the (Social) Establishment too that is.

Friday 13 February 2015

African Locales

African Locales.

This entry, now does attempt, and to speak in all, and of Africa, and as said Institutional, and if not Localized too, and as versus speak of it all, and from speak of Country, State, Government, Nation, and if not speak of the Conventional too that is. For African Identity and as said to speak of the Conventional, does in all even speak of it all, and from speak too of Locals, Congregations and if not speak too of African Food/Festive Traditions, but in speak now and of it all and as said to speak of Country, State, Government or Nation too, now does speak and of it all and in Routine that is, and such that, it does in all even speak of Regulation too that is.

In saying that, survival in Africa today, is best said and to speak of defining oneself, and in Versatility too, is to now in all even compare in many a way, Versatility in all, and as said African, and to that seen elsewhere that is. That Versatility in all, does very much speak and of whom/who in all we are and as said Interpreters, but that in all again, Versatility, and as said African too, now having one ask of themselves, simply whom/who in all they are, and in speak now and of Symbols, Community and Hardship too that is.

In all, the very belief here that, African Locales, do in all even simply speak and of life, and as said Institutional too, and as very much in all even defined, and in speak only and of Communications that is. Communications, and as said far-reaching in their ways, and as said in all even and to refer and to Identity formed, and in speak of the Localized too that is.

In helping now define African Locales, and as said Economically viable and if not truly Functionable that is, speak now and of defining them, and in speak of Media, Justice, Drama, Money and Event too that is.

In speak and of Media, and as defining African Locales, speak now, and of it all said and to speak of whom/who in all, we are, and in speak of Delusion, Dementia or Divide too that is.

In speak of Justice, speak now and of the very manner/way in all, one does define Classification, and as said to speak of classification, associations and clustering too that is.

In speak of Drama, speak of it all, and as said to speak and of Politicking/Theatrics that is.

In speak of Money, speak now and of it all, and as said to speak of Modes, Means and Efficacy too that is.

In speak finally now and of Event, speak now truly, and of the very manner/way in all, we do in all even make out Strategy that is.

In all, the above manner/way in all, and of creating Identity, and in speak of African Locales, now does speak too, and of it all said centered in all again, and in speak of the Institutional too, and in further speak in all even, and of it all said defined, the Institutional and the Localized that is, and in speak too of the Declaration / Communications that is. That the United States of America, and in Infrastructure too, is said built up in all, and in speak too of the Declaration of Independence, and not in speak of Constitution or the Constitutional either, and which has proven something truly difficult in all, and in making better that is, American lives, and away and from speak of the Declaration of Independence that is [that the American Constitution in all, now does attempt and to in all even define Americans, and from speak too of many a said Political Event, and in speak too of Pearl Harbour, and if not speak of Sept. 11th too that is][National Security issues/matters though, and in the United States of America, do in all even appear, or are dealt with, and in speak of the Declaration of Independence that is].

Saturday 7 February 2015

The African Holocaust

The African Holocaust.

The African Holocaust, and as said a phrase/term in all, and that does associate speak of Africa and with Slavery, when in reality, this phrase, is often used to speak in all, and of Africa, and as now said encompassing South Asia too, and such that, it does refer and to speak of 'African peoples', and as with regards and to speak of Disease in itself too that is [that this does in all for example, associate the term 'African peoples', and with Sickle-Cell Anaemia for instance].

All this too, and as versus speak and of those said not an African people that is [Link].

Friday 6 February 2015

African Spaces/Heritages

African Spaces/Heritages.

In speak and of what, is believe said to speak, and of an Evolutionary Sentiment in all, and in regards to speak of an African Commerce/Democracy that is. it then does in all truly, speak of African Spaces/Heritages that is. That in understanding all this, and in the most simplest of sense, speak now, and of the Soul, Human, and as said African too, and as now said finding a true Home, and not in speak of a Residence truly either that is.

What in all though, does constitute and for African Spaces/Heritages in all? In speak and of what some do in all term 'the Freeing of oneself up', or speak too of 'Loosening up' that is, it does in all even speak of African perceptions and of Destiny, but that in many a way truly, African Spaces/Heritages, and as said differing from the rest in the World, and in speak too of Destiny, and as often associated and with speak of African Blood/Heredity in itself, it does now speak of such Spaces in all, African, and as defined, and in speak of movement/motion/activity, beliefs, the Oracular, Occupation (and not speak of Jobs, Work or Employment truly either), African Family/Marriages, African Foods etc.

In all though, the very use of African Spaces/Heritages, and in tracking ones life, and as said Evolutionary too, does differ truly in all perhaps, and from the very use of African Literary Journalism in all, and as said now helping keep track of African life, and through the Ages and Times, and in speak in all again, and of the singular term Heritage that is.

In all, the very importance of African Spaces/Heritages, and as now coinciding, and with life, and in speak of the Human Soul too, very much associated, and with speak of Diatribe/Distaste (and speak of the very belief here, that the sense of Taste, is said more defining of Africans in many a way, and as compared to the rest), Ancient Law (the loss of Innocence), and if not speak of Money too [and of Disgust, Taint and Impropriety too that is].

Tuesday 3 February 2015



Pacifism, and as with it all even often believed, and to speak of the African Memory, and in speak too of African Myth, but speak here in all again, and of what is believed said to speak of African Identity, and in Presence that is.



This entry, very much has to do, and with the very best manner/way, and of perceiving Development in Africa today, and as believed said even, and to speak of every African said to be on the Continent that is. That in all, many are simply said to believe, that African Development, does lie and in speak of African Practises, and as now said Western or Modern too, and in speak too of Development that is, and such that, Development, and as said going along in all, and with speak of African Practises, could best be said in all even, and to speak too and of Solar Energy / Solar Panels, or speak too and of Home Water Tanks for instance.

There are those though, who do believe Development in Africa, to lie, and in speak of African Law, and which can and in the very least here, and as said at its best too, speak too and of its taking into account all Africans, speaking of it all, and as very much rising in heights perhaps, and to speak of the 'Diplomatic Licence' that is.

This Blog though, and as mentioned previously, does believe that African Development, does best lie, and in speak of African Communications, and in speak too now, and of defining every African, and in regard, and to speak and of whom/who one is, and with or speak of Distance that is [and of Distant Views too][Something in all again, and that does speak even, and of Presidential cultures too for instance].

In all though, Distance, and as perhaps best said associated and with an Orisha, and such as Obaluaiye, but in speak of Africa and away from Nigeria, Distance now, and as best believed said defined, and in speak of Altars too that is.

Monday 2 February 2015



Angola, and as with it a place, said home to 'Black African' Identity, and in Africa too that is [and in speak here too, and of Capoeira for instance, and as said 'Black African', and with Batuque on the otherhand, said African, but speak now of Black Identity, and in Africa, and as simply said Swahili too that is].