Tuesday 3 February 2015



This entry, very much has to do, and with the very best manner/way, and of perceiving Development in Africa today, and as believed said even, and to speak of every African said to be on the Continent that is. That in all, many are simply said to believe, that African Development, does lie and in speak of African Practises, and as now said Western or Modern too, and in speak too of Development that is, and such that, Development, and as said going along in all, and with speak of African Practises, could best be said in all even, and to speak too and of Solar Energy / Solar Panels, or speak too and of Home Water Tanks for instance.

There are those though, who do believe Development in Africa, to lie, and in speak of African Law, and which can and in the very least here, and as said at its best too, speak too and of its taking into account all Africans, speaking of it all, and as very much rising in heights perhaps, and to speak of the 'Diplomatic Licence' that is.

This Blog though, and as mentioned previously, does believe that African Development, does best lie, and in speak of African Communications, and in speak too now, and of defining every African, and in regard, and to speak and of whom/who one is, and with or speak of Distance that is [and of Distant Views too][Something in all again, and that does speak even, and of Presidential cultures too for instance].

In all though, Distance, and as perhaps best said associated and with an Orisha, and such as Obaluaiye, but in speak of Africa and away from Nigeria, Distance now, and as best believed said defined, and in speak of Altars too that is.