Friday 17 April 2015

the Deacon

the Deacon.

This entry, will in all attempt, to in all again address in all, the very said view in all, and that does or has often said, Kenya in all, is believed one of the more promising Countries in Africa, and in regards and to speak of Development too. That all this, is not said a view, that is actually truly factual in all, and despite all said Progress that is, and that Kenya is believed said to have made, and in speak now and of the very word of Progress in itself too that is. That Kenyans in all, might be said persons or people in all too, believed said even Progressive in their ways, and not Advanced either (and in speak here too of China for instance), or as simply said Developing too [and in speak here of India too for instance]. Kenya in all, is simply said historically Progressive, and in speak too perhaps, and of it said holding populaces in all, and as simply said well-read too that is [for Enid Blyton in all, was once said a Kenyan too that is].

In having said the above, is to now speak too, and of the History of Kenya, and as not referred to, and in speak of the term Colonialism in itself, but in speak in all again, and of what some do term a Colonial Experiment, and in speak too of Man, and as said a Social Animal too that is. That the History of Kenya, and in speak of it said Colonial, is never well presented to most, and other than in speak of Folk Narratives in all, Kikuyu too, for it is in all, a History said well understood, and in speak now of Communications, and of Materialism/Materiality too that is.

That in all, so often termed Official reports, and on Colonial Kenyan History too, now do refer to it all, and from speak too of Communications. That this very manner in all, and of viewing Kenya, or Nairobi in particular too, is believed said to arise, and in a manner in all not well known to most, but in speak now of it said to refer, and to speak of Nairobi, speak now too and of the troubling fact that, so often termed Kenyan natives in all, never do in all state that, they too, were truly involved, or were said involved, and in the building or erecting of Nairobi that is. Something to in all even take note of, and as Nairobi in all, is said central, and to in all again, understanding, what the often termed now, Colonial Experiment, was said to be all about. In saying now that, those who do view the History of Colonial Kenya that is, and from speak of Communications too, do in all even view it, and as said Black and White, is to now say too that, Mau Mau History for instance and as said associated, and with figures in all, and such as Dedan Kimathi, now does speak of Colonial History in Kenya, and as perceived, and from speak of Materialism/Materiality that is. That it is in the said viewing of Colonial History in Kenya, and as such, and that one in all again, now does come across, said Africans, many, and who are in all even said Brown skinned too that is.

In helping one understand, the Colonial History of Kenya, and from speak of Communications, is to now and in all even say it too, British that is. That the so often termed Colonial Experiment, now does face many a Situation to it all, and not Problem truly either, and with the coming of the British, for the British in all, never did build Nairobi, and as most did/do originally know it that is. The British though, do in all even bring their very own Communications, British, and in speak too of the BEAC (British East African Company), and which do in all even differ, and from those seen in Nairobi at the time, and which are in all even simply said Victorian in their ways that is. 

In putting all this though, into a much clearer light, is to now say that, Nairobi, and as it originally was, and without the British too, now does speak of it said possessing a Plan/Design in all, and that can be said to speak of a Principal City that is. The coming of Independence in Kenya though, now does see the Kenyatta Regime (former President Jomo Kenyatta that is), attempt in all, to help develop Nairobi so to speak, and as said a Capital City too, and alongside speak too of Dar-es-salaam, and of Kampala too, and in speak now of the formerly said EAC (East African Community) that is. That however, is not the whole story. Back to the British though, and as now actually said bringing in Labour, and into Kenya, and from as far it is said, as far as Asia that is, and into Kenya, and in speak now of the BEAC, and as said a Charter Company too that is. It is hereby in all, and whereby in all again, many a said force/forces, social too, do in all come into play/inter-play that is, and such that, those in Nairobi, and as now said engaging in the Colonial Experiment, and as said too now possessing many a said Communications/Humour in all, and that does speak of Man too, and as said a Social Animal that is, Victorian, now do in all even, have the whole place, somewhat implode in violence, and that does speak too and of the so often termed Mau Mau Insurrection that is. That the issue at hand, or said matter too, and in speak of the Kipande System in Kenya, now does in all even call onto the British, and in asking them, whom so said natives in all, and in Kenya too, are, and in Nairobi, and in speak now and of their not only disrupting the Communications at hand (and if not in speak too of Cordiality in itself that is), but that in all again, the very world of the British in Kenya, in all again helping give birth and to speak too of the killing/murder of the late Lord Errol in all, and in speak now of the said famed/infamous work of White Mischief too that is.

In helping one though, truly see all this, and as it did happen, is to now speak too of Colonial History in Kenya, and in regards to its Materiality/Materialism that is. That it is here in all again, and where in all, the key, to truly understanding what did happen and in Kenya, and during the Colonial Period, does in all even very much lie that is. For this History in all, is older, and than most do believe it to be, for its does in all even speak of the building of Fort Jesus, and on the Swahili coast too, and of the Swahili too, and as simply said now possessing, or said to have to them, civilization that is. A History, that is in all difficult to explain, and in speak of Records too that is, for its does in all even now, speak too, and in said parallels here, and of Authors, said Afrocentric too, and such as Ivan Sertima for instance, and in said work too perhaps, 'They Came Before Colombus'. That the History of Fort Jesus in all, is very much tied too, and to speak of the very rise of Nairobi too, and as it does in all even speak too, of said 'African Presences', and as seen within said White Colonial Kenya/Nairobi too that is.

In saying that the above, is known to many in Kenya, and if not Tanzania too, and as said too Folk Narrative in all, is to also perhaps hint at it all, and as said a hidden History of a kind that is. For these said 'African Presences' in all, are in all even said believed coming in, and from as far as Scotland, Italy, and if not Portugal too, and after the often termed 'Fall of Europe' that is, and as with they too said possessing names, and such as David Livingstone, and if not HM Stanley in himself too, Speke too (John Hanning), and as with they in all even said associated, and with speak of the History of Explorers into Africa, and that does in all too speak too of Fort Jesus, and if not of the name/term in all, and of Sofala/Zofala too that is. In all, said 'Arab' Merchants that is, if they not said Swahili or Portuguese too, can in all even now be said associated, and with the History of Nairobi, and that does in all for instance, speak too of Landmarks in all, and in speak now too, and of the Holy Family Basilica in Nairobi for instance, the Jamia Mosque, the Kenyan Parliamentary Building, the Windsor/Muthaiga Golf & Country Club, the Mount Kenya Safari Club etc., and which do in all even now, speak of the History of Materiality/Materialism in Kenya/Nairobi that is, and as often somewhat said too Victorian, and that does now in all even see to it, the viewing of the Mau Mau Insurrection, and as said an Insurgent group too, and if not said a Freedom Fighters group too that is. That in speak of it and as said a Freedom Fighters group, speak now of Nairobi, and of the Kipande System too, and of many a killing/murder and during the Colonial Period too that is, while in speak of it and as said an Insurgent group, speak now, and of whom/who in all is believed said to belong truly, and to/in Kenya that is, and in speak too of Legitimacy and if not of Validity truly either, and in speak now perhaps, and of said too Post-Colonial Kenyan History, and of a said Mentality in all, 'African', and which does in all even speak of the attempt to grab Property, Land or Belongings too, and in Kenya, and in further speak too of the very word of Graft, and as said to speak truly of Post-Colonial Kenya, and not Post-Independence Kenya truly either that is. 

In all, what is been said here is that, could Kenya's time be said, to have in all come to pass? Prematurely too? Those in all, who do study Kenya and from speak too of Advancement or Development, do still believe Kenya, to very much hold much promise to it, but those in all again, who do view it all and from speak too of Progress in itself, now do believe Kenya to still very much hold many a trial to it all, and in speak too of its populaces, and as simply said Literate too that is. That Time in all, is now believed said to be the judge, and in regards and to speak of Kenya's future that is, and that it is believed by many, that Kenya's Time in all, might have come to pass, and in speak of Progress and Civility too, and such that, the very problems or situations truly, and that did in all even plague Kenya and during the Colonial / Pre-Independence period too in all, do in all even speak truly too, and of Kenya and as it is today, and as said too not only housing to it, all sorts or kinds in all, and of Slum Holdings for instance, but in further speak too of Ethnic/Tribal Cleansings/Violence in all, and if not in speak now of Terrorism too that is.

In all, while Kenya might now be said, to have failed to develop an efficient Communications Protocol/Order in all, and away from speak of M-Pesa too that is, and in speak of a Kenya/Nairobi today, and as said too in all, simply or rather Chaotic in its ways [and in further speak too, and of the said belief that, Diplomatic, that Kenya/Nairobi in all, is believed said a World 'Center', and of (Human) Trafficking that is], and if not in speak too, of its History said lost, and in speak now too, and of Kenya/Nairobi and in Materiality/Materialism, very much losing its (Architectural) Heritage that is, and such that, Nairobi today cannot in all even be said a Principal or Capital City anymore (Link), but in speak now and of it all, and as simply said a typical/average African city that is, is to now and in all even simply view it all, and from a said too Time Consciousness, and that could very well help alleviate Nairobi's/Kenya's problems/situations in all, and which do in all even speak of the Progressive in itself that is.

In all, many a said attempt, has been made in regards to all this, a Time Consciousness and as described above, and to end all of Nairobi's (Social) Ills for instance, and which did in all even speak of Ritual, and as said to speak too of 4 O'Clock Tea too for instance, or speak too of many a said Public Holiday in all, and in Kenya too, and in the attempt to breed or develop in all again, a said Social Cohesion/Fabric, and in Kenya too, but that in all again, the very belief here that, but historically or popularly known too, that Africa in all, is actually truly believed the very home, and to Religion in itself, and in now saying that, the only Lifestyles in all again, said permissible in Africa, are those simply said truly Religious, and in speak now too, and of African History, and as very much  in all even said, or associated/acquainted truly in all, and with the very words of Kushite, or that which does in all even say Pharaoh too that is.