Sunday 27 September 2015

African Politics

African Politics.

This very entry, now does claim that, African Politics, has in all even failed, and in delivering Africans and in saying the least, and to what too can be said, an enviable Political Status, and that does too simply speak, and of the Stable, and if not of the Reliable too that is. That Africa, has in all even failed to define itself, and in Politics, and that do too, simply speak and of the Esteemable in itself that is. 

In now too saying that, it too can be said, that Politics, are said too paramount in all, and in the said Development, and of the Western World too that is, is to now too though, associate such Politics, said Western, and with speak and of the Minority, and of the Minority Status too, while it too can be said that, African Politics, and in speak of this said Blog, do in all even speak, and of the Insider/Outsider, and if not of the Excluded too that is.

In having said that, is to now too say, Politics, can too be said to arise, and with speak of Ancient Egypt, and in speak now too, and of what they do term Spiritism that is. That it is the said termed 1001 Nights, or Arabian Nights too, and that do in all even give a good account in all, or picture too, and of Politics, and as said to speak of Spiritism in itself that is. In saying that, most of the World out there, does ground its Politics, and in speak of Spiritism too (and in said speak here too, and of the Fairy Tale, and in Europe that is), is to now too say that, Politics, and as said African, can best be said defined, and by speak, and of what one can term Viralism (and of the Viral too), and as said to refer, and to what too does pass for, or speak of Tolerance, and if not of Insensitivity too, and in African Political life that is.

In saying that, we do live in a World today, very much defined and by speak, and of what some do term World Politics, and from which, many an African today, does attempt to borrow from, or draw from too, and in their now defining in all, a said satisfactory Political life that is, is to now too, also speak of many a claim, and that does associate World Politics, and with speak of Racism in itself that is [and as said too and to speak of Attitude in itself that is]. In however saying that, the World and in Power and Prestige, is simply said not African, but probably said too White that is, is to now too say that, World Politics, and as said emanating too, and from the ancient past in itself, do in all even speak of Africa, and in speak too of Egypt, and if not of India too that is. In saying that, the World today is believed by some  simply said White, and in Power and Prestige too, is to now too claim that, the said termed here White races, can in all even be simply said either Turkish/Turkic, and on one end, and on the other, simply now too said Chinese that is.

In saying that, Politics in itself, is in all even believed, defined, and by speak and of what does pass for Autonomy and Independence too, is to now too say that, Politics, and outside speak of Africa, do in all even very much define Autonomy and Independence, and in said speak here, and of what they do term the Holy Land (Israel) that is, and of Judaism, Christianity / Christian, and if not of Islam / Islamic too that is. In however saying that, there is more to all this, is to now take, the United States of America, and as said defining Autonomy and Independence, and in speak of (Political) Machination, and if not in speak of Militarization too, and in now too saying that, it is a History, and that can too be said to speak of Egypt (the Destruction of Culture), and of India (Destruction of a people) too, and in now saying that, it is a History, and that does too associate African History, and with speak and of Religion, and as said Palo (Monte) too that is [Destruction of the 'African race'].

In concluding on all this, is to now too, simply say that, while Politics outside Africa, can in all even be said, to speak and of Terrorism in itself, is to now too say that, African Politics, and as said to speak of Egypt, and if not of India, can simply be said, and to speak and of only one said term/word that is: the Hostage.