Sunday 8 March 2015



When we do speak here and of Linguistics, we are not in all referring, and to speak too of the preservation of African Cultures in all again, but speak truly, and of what does constitute for Development and in Africa that is. That speak of Development, does not speak truly of Plans made, or Future Projections in all, but speak truly in all again, and of the Approach that is. That in saying that Africa is Underdeveloped/Undeveloped in all, or Lowly Developed too, does speak in all surprisingly enough, and not truly of poor Plans made in all, but speak truly in all again, and of a poor Approach and to everything that is.

In compounding all this furtherly, or magnifying too, is to now say that, Development in Africa, is often believed to take a Systematic Approach and that does in all even, involve, speak and of African Security concerns that is. In saying that this all, is not actually wrong, is to speak of it and in two-fold manner that is. That the first of these, now does say that, African Security concerns, are best perceived in all, and at a local, or surprisingly enough, at a regional level too in all, and instead and of the said here popular view, and of associating African Security concerns, and at the National level too that is. That African Security, never does truly operate and at a National level in all, and in speak now of African Identity, and as created and in a said Name/Memory basis that is [or speak too, and of the Localization of African Identity, and in speak too of the term Resource, and as versus speak now, and of Identity created, and in speak of Media, and that said National too that is]. Secondly, African Security concerns, and as now said truly communicated in all, and amongst those too, that Africans in all, would trust, and which does in all even refer, and to those said of African descent, of African Blood (but out there, somewhere), and of African Ancestries too that is [or speak even and of those said appreciative of African Cultures too that is].

This entry though, does propose the very view that does say, African Development in all, does lie in all again, and in speak of an Approach, and that does speak too of Linguistics that is. In perceiving Africa as such, and in Linguistics, speak now, and it said, African/Batuque, 'Black African'/Capoeira and Black/'African Dance' too [or speak too of African Poetry, and as simply said classified, and as said Satirical, Proverbial, and Critical too that is]. In saying that, South Africa in all, does base its Identity and in Development, and in speak of a Systematic Approach and to everything, and in showing indifference in all, and to its said Black Population, and who have in all again, it is said, never truly mastered Security in itself, and in all, are now perceived backward, and if not lazy, or said foolish/stupid too that is. In having said that, the very belief that a Linguistic Approach and in helping Develop Africa, does now it is said, to speak, and of Africa, and from a Continental perspective to in all, and that does now associate speak of African Identity, and with Spain, speak of 'Black African' Identity, and with Portugal, and speak too of Black Identity in Africa, and with Italy too that is.