Wednesday 3 December 2014

African Languages

African Languages.

When we do speak of African Languages here, we are in all even referring to them, and from a Contextual perspective, and not speak of a Political perspective truly either. For the Political perspective in all, does in all even speak of African Languages, and as with they even said Language/Tongue, or speak truly even and of they as said Local or regional, or further speak even, and of Language now, and as associated and with differing African Law Systems too that is.

In speak though of the Contextual perspective, speak now, and in these very Times we live in, and of African Languages, and as said in all even Religious, Commercial, Popular, Academic/Institutional and even Historic too that is. In all again, speak even of African Tongues now, and as associated with many a Locale, and if not speak of Habitats in themselves too that is.

That speak though and of African Languages and as said Religious in all, does in all even refer, and to speak of African Family Systems too, and speak now in all again, and of everyday African Religious practises, and as said in all even, and to speak too of African Family/Customary Law Systems that is. To speak of African Languages and as said Commercial, is to not speak in all again, and of the attempts to popularize Kiswahili in Africa in all for instance, but speak now, and of African Worker Identity for instance, and as tied down and to speak of African Commercial Languages in themselves that is. To speak of African Popular Languages, is to now in all even, associate them and with Media, Print, and in Africa today too that is. To speak of African Academic/Institutional Languages, is to now in all even, speak not only of Publishing in Africa, but in all ways too, speak too now, and of Social Identity in Africa, and as said even National too for instance. To speak of African Languages, and as said Historic, is to now in all even speak of African existences, and as said Rural, Urban or even Independent/Colonial too that is [and in speak here for instance, and of Victorian styled English, and as spoken in Kenya too for instance].

In all, a manner of viewing African Languages, and that does in all even now speak of African Tongues, and as associated with African Locales in all, and in speak too, and of just where in all again, Political Sentiment in Africa, does in all lie that is [that Political Violence in Africa, is now believed even to arise and with speak of African Locales in themselves, and as with they in all even said to truly define African Mindsets and Mentalities too, and away in all even, and from speak of African Public Media that is].

In all again, speak now, and of the redefining, and of African Wealth, Property and Status/Success, and a way from past norms in all, in that, it now does in all even refer, and to the very fact that, the rise of past African Towns or cities too (and as often truly termed market-cities that is), is believed truly associated, and in a Modern Contextual Analysis perspective, and with speak too of African Popular Languages in all, but with African Wealth, Property and Status/Success, and in the past, very much associated, and with speak of African Artifacts in themselves, and as compared in all again, and to such definitions of Africa Wealth et. al., and tas seen/found today too, and as associated in all again, and disastrously too, and as with speak of Popularism in itself that is.