Wednesday 26 August 2015

Bars, Pubs & 'Drinking Holes'

Bars, Pubs & 'Drinking Holes'.

This entry, now too, does serve and as a said follow-through, and to the previous entry, and on 'The Kiln' that is. That it all too, now does speak of the said belief, that a said differing manner in all, and of viewing Africa, said Historical too, does exist, and in speak now of it said to refer and to speak of Egypt, Africa and South Asia too. That in the very least, the three said regions in all, do have a similar History of Disease (and with Smallpox, said Egyptian too), but what too can be said here, is that, the three do have similar definitions, and of what too, is said a Theme that is [and as said too, to refer, and to speak of what, is said to refer, and to the Music of the three regions that is].

Of World Civilization.

In having said that, is to now say too that, the above view, does too, speak of Africa in itself, and as said defined, and from speak of African society that is. That African society, is believed all there is, and in speak of Africa in itself, but with it all too, said now grounded in all, and in speak of Myth, and if not in speak too of the Yoruba term of Egbe that is. In now too saying that, African Myth, is often believed to encompass all other Myth out there, and in speak of Theme too, is to now too say that, African society, and that does speak of Egbe, is to often said Cultist in its ways, but that in now saying that, it does too speak of African (Political) Drama in itself, is to now furtherly say that, African society, and as said too Ogboni (Nigeria), said now too responsible, and for what does serve for the Coordination and Moderation of said here, African civil and market societies that is, and which too does serve for Political Turmoil and as said found/seen in Nigeria, and if not in speak of African Religion in the Americas, and of Ogboni too, and in said Lineage, said too now African-American that is.

In now too saying that, speak of African society, and outside Africa, does in all even speak of Bars, Pubs and 'Drinking Holes', is to now too, attempt to open up Africans, and to their said Heritage, and as said too, to speak of the Ancestral, for it all now does speak of African Identity, and vis-a-vis, that said Italian too, for Italy, is known too, to house one of the said largest Book Collections in the World (and on just about any Subject or Topic too), but what can be said here is that, those said outside Africa, are in all even said Big-Boned, while in speak of Africans in themselves, and with it all said too, to speak of Intelligence in itself, Africans, are in all even actually said Large-Boned that is. In many a way too, speak now and of Central Asia and Africa again, and whereby, one does find that, African Identity, does match that said Central Asian that is, and in speak now too, and of what are said Shadows, and Silhouettes too that is. Finally, in now too saying that, speak of Asia (Asia and Central Asia), now does too speak of their influencing Africa, and in regards to Ideologies, and that do speak of the Motherland/Fatherland, and if not of the Mother Tongue too, for these Ideologies, do in all even create Identities, African, and that are in all even believed said to interfere, and in regards to what does speak too of African Heredity that is, and as said too often referring, and to speak too of African Herbalism, and if not of African Diets, Cuisine, and of an African Gourmet too that is.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

The Kiln

The Kiln.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with the very manner in all, those in Africa, do perceive Materials that is. That in speak of Identity created/formed in all, and in speak of Materials too, Africa is in all even said to have no History to it, and in regard and to all this: Materials. This is not actually true, but does speak of Africa, and as often said perceived, and from it all said Juxtaposed, and to speak of Brazil that is. That it is acknowledged by many that, the said Cultures of Brazil, and if not those of many another region in the World, and in speak too now of North America, Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and if not of India too, do in all even possess Culture that is, and that does have to it, a said African Imprint that is, and that most, do not always understand it can best be said here. That this said History, can best be said understood, and in the attempt to understand, what the said African Presences, and that did exist in Central Asia, are believed said to have been all about.

In helping one probably understand all this simply, and if not clearly, is to now too probably say that, it not only does speak of the said moniker of 'the Egyptian' that is, and if not of Egyptian culture too, and as said too African that is (for Egyptian Civilization, is believed first said Egyptian, then African, then said too a World Civilization that is), but that in all again, what we are trying to say here is that, what is termed for instance 'African Brew', is believed said too Central Asian, for in Africa, we do find what one could term Brew in itself that is, but that in all again, what we do call the African Kiln, is actually truly said Central Asian too, for in Africa, one does in all even actually find the Kiln in itself that is [and with the Furnace, and in History too, simply said Egyptian in all].

In having said that, is to now attempt to tackle the said even rather problematic, View in all, and that does say, African, does in all even truly lack, a said Material Identity, and that does in all even have to it all, many, and as said often comparing Africans, and to said African groups/presences, and in Brazil / South America too that is, but that we shall attempt to very much claim on this entry/post, is that, Africa, does in all even have a unique Material Identity/culture to it all, and that most too, are simply not said aware of that is.

That in speak of the History of Materials, and as now too said Matter, or Substance that is, is to now too speak of Egypt, and of Africa in Egypt too that is. Material History though, and as said Egyptian, is believed even, said rather extensive in its ways, for it all too, is said even Biblical, and in speak now and of God and as said fashioning Man, and out of Clay, and if not Mud too that is. However, the Egyptians, do too possess a Material culture of their own, and which in regards to speak of Africa, can be said to speak too of Kente Clothing, or of African Fabric too, and if not in speak now too of the Djembe, and which too is said Egyptian that is [and in said speak too now and of the Egyptian Mass that is].

In all, what we are trying to say here is that, Egypt's Influence and in/on Africa, now does ask of Africans, whom/who in all, they are, and in speak of Materials that is, and of Material culture too, for it all does not only associate Africa, and with speak of Colonial Expansionism that is, but does in all even tell one of Egypt's unique relationship/relation in all, and with Africa, and which does speak and of the very term/word of Declaration that is [that the Declaration, now too, does ask of one to define themselves truly, and in speak of Material Identity, and if not in speak of Material culture in itself that is].

In having said that, is to now revert and to speak of Kilns, and as said to truly speak of Africa, for the Kiln in all, does differ and from the Furnace, for the former, now too does tie Africa, and in History, and in regards to speak of Materials, and to speak now of Central Asia, and if not of the very names too of Smaug, and of Sauron too that is.

Nairobi / Cotonou

Nairobi / Cotonou.

This entry, now does purport, to in all even, introduce a whole new Psychology to Africa, and that does in all even speak of Emotionality in itself. Something too, probably best said now acquainted, and with the very term/word of Impact, and as said too referring, and to the said Negative and Positive, and to be seen too, and in our everyday lives that is. That Emotionality, is simply taken to speak of life in itself, but it all too, can be said perceived here, and in speak of Hostility in itself, and as said too targeted towards those said African (and outside Africa too), and as said too an everyday experience that is.

That in helping one understand all this better, Emotionality, and that said too Egyptian, and as said too seen in all, outside Africa that is, and if not that said outside Africa too, does in all even define Emotionality, and in speak of the Psychology, and of Avoidance, Escapism and Withdrawal too, and if not in speak too now and of Introversion/Extroversion that is. That Africa, is believed to differ, minimally too, and in regards to all this, for while the above Psychology can be said African too, Africa is in all even believed defined and by the Psychology of the Retreat that is [and within oneself too; and of the said With-in, and of the With-out too that is].

In now tying Emotionality and to the everyday issues/matters and of our said lives, and if not of Problems and Troubles too, it all then can be said to speak of Politics, and in now too saying that, Africa, is more or less defined, and by speak of (the) Political Science(s) that is, and not Politics truly either.

In all, and in now too saying that, this very Blog, does in all even reference Kenya/Nairobi, and Benin/Cotonou too. and in regards to its Contents, offhandedly speaking too, is to now say that, Nairobi, and as said considered a said important or strategic City in Africa, does in all even have to do, and with the very manner in all, Africans do perceive themselves, and in speak of the Retreat, while in speak of Cotonou, the attempt here, to simply declare it all, home to Political Science, and in Africa too that is [and if not below the Sahara, or in speak too of South Africa, and its said differing Politics that is].

** do note it can be said here, that the said contents of this Blog, can too be classified, and under speak and of what does pass for Rumour-and-Gossip mill Africa that is.

Monday 24 August 2015



When we do in all, speak of Sabotage, we are too, referring, and to what is believed said, and to Ail Africa that is. That Africa, is often at times, said described, and as said ailing, and if not said too, terminal in its ways that is. In helping one understand all this too clearly, of a said Evil here, and that is believed to plague Africa, is to now too, speak and of the very History of Slavery and Colonialism, and as said having to it, a said even root cause, and that does speak too, and not of Sabotage truly, but of the Saboteur that is.

That it too is been said here that, Slavery and Colonialism in Africa, does now speak and of the Saboteur in himself, but that in all again, Africa, does in all even face a greater danger, and in the name of Sabotage in itself that is. In saying too that, Africa, and as perceived as such, does now speak of its said History, and as said perceived too, and from speak of the Caribbean (and in comparison here, and to speak of Africa and in Disease, and of South America / Brazil too), for the History of the Caribbean, and from the said times of Slavery, and onwards and to the said Realms, and of the Caribbean Intellectual, is believed said replete, and with many a said episode, and that does speak of or refer to, and to the Saboteur in himself that is, and such that, it all too, does speak of the Caribbean, and as said possessing or having to it too, many a definition of Gender, Race, Age and Class (GRAC), and that does in all even mirror, that/those to be seen, and in Africa / Nigeria that is. In all, and in speak of the Saboteur here, and in Nationality too, and as said too even, truly Nigerian that is (and of Political Crisis, or Turmoil too, and in Nigeria today), is to now too say that, in speak of the Saboteur, it all even does have to do, and with the said even African definitions of Independence, and if not of African Spaces too, and in now attempting to tell many an African, that said definitions of GRAC and in Africa today, do in all even speak of Africa, and as said even afraid, and if not scared, and of facing its past, and in speak too now, and of what does pass and for speak and of Esteem, and if not of Confidence too that is.

In all, and in now saying that, Nigeria, has in all even it can be said, truly developed, said here Profiles of Success, and that could in all even be said of a World Caliber that is, is to now though, speak of said external Forces in all, and that do speak of Slavery and Colonialism in Africa too, and as said shaping Africa and as it is today, but that what is been said here is that, Africa, and as it is today, could in all even be said, to best speak of African definitions and of Autonomy in itself, and that do too, speak of Africa, and as said truly defined, and by speak of Sabotage in itself that is. That Autonomy, now does ask of most Africans, to in all reconsider their said definitions of GRAC, and in now too saying that, many in Africa today, do in all even aspire to truly define themselves in Autonomy, and as said to speak too of African definitions and of the Gift too for instance, but that in all again, Africa today, can be said to aspire for Success, and that does speak of the Caribbean, and not of African-American Profiles either for instance, and which do too, speak of the NASA Scientist that is.

In now saying that, it is an Africa, and that is said truly defined and in Autonomy, and not in GRAC either (for they both too, do speak and of Africans and in Perception), and that could in all even be said to speak and of African Prowess in itself for instance, is to now too, attempt to define such a said Autonomy, and that does in all even have to do, and with speak and of the very belief and that does say, Africa, is simply said one thing: Sabotage.

1. Oju Egun: 'Oju Egun', is said here, a Yoruba phrase in all, and that does in all even translate, and to speak of 'the Faces of the Ancestors' that is. That Oju Egun, is said believed, the very manner in all, Africans, do in all even define Autonomy in itself, and as said too, to speak of Aspiration in itself too that is. In all, 'Oju Egun', said to speak too and of Africa, and in regards and to speak of Names/Naming that is.

2. Ofo Ase: When we do speak of 'Ofo Ase', we are said to refer, and to speak of the Uttered Word, and as now said too coming to be, and in now asking of Africans, and of whom/who in all it can best be said, they do believe, to be the Beholder that is. Whom/who in all, is said too, the Beholder of Justice, Truth, Daring, Excellence, Beauty etc., and such that, when one does in all even understand all this, the said Yoruba/Ifa concept of Ofo Ase, it all now does become said real, and in bettering the lives of many a person, and when it all is said perceived, and not from speak of Failure, but from speak of Sabotage in itself that is.

3. Ikole Orun: 'Ikole Orun', does in all even differ, and from speak of 'Ikole Aye', and with the latter, said referring, and to the said Earthly Realm that is. That Ikole Orun, now too, does speak of the Invisible Realm, and of gods and spirits, and in now asking of Africans, to in all even reconsider, many a view and that does say that, Africans, and in birth too, do simply come down, and from a said even African Heaven, and that Earth in itself, or the Earthly Realm that is, 'Ikole Aye', is said too, to mirror, Heaven that is, and in regards and to speak of Aspiration in itself too for instance. In saying that, 'Ikole Aye', Earth, does in all even mirror Heaven, African too, is to now too say that, whats is believed said real of this Earth, now does speak of 'Ikole Orun', and with those said African in all, now simply left to best think of it all, their place and in this said structured formation that is, and in regards, and to speak of Sabotage in itself that is.

In all, and in now simply condensing all this, and into one said sentence, or said too small paragraph that is, is to now too, simply say, that God and in the African Imagination, is simply said one thing: Sabotage.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Private Interests

Private Interests.

When we do talk here of, Private Interests, we are too, referring, and to African Political Interests, and as said defined, and at the Individual level too that is. That Africans, do not in all appear, to be knowledgeable that is, and of the said Politics in all, and that do too speak of what in all can be said to speak of World Politics, and if not of a World Status too that is. That Africans, are in all even said interested only, and in Politics, or Psychology too, and that do in all even incorporate into it, a said Time Factor, and that does speak of the Swahili term of Zamani that is.

In attempting to introduce Africa, and to the said Politics, or Psychology, and of Power or Status, and in the World today, is to in all even now thrown in, the said word of Libido, and if not of the Libidinal, and that does too, speak of one, and in Laughter, and if not in Doubt too that is. That the World today, and in its Psychology or Politics too, does in all even have it is believed here, speak of the Libido, and as said at the center of it all, and that in all again, speak now and of Psychology or Politics too, and that does now associate the Western World, and with speak of Supremacy, the Middle East and Hegemony, and of Asia, speak of a said even Japanese like Solidarity, and as said too referring and to speak of Shintoism in Japan that is.

In saying that, Africa, has in all even failed to define itself, and as said above, is to now too, attempt to introduce, a said differing Psychology in all, and if not Politics too, and into Africa, and that does in all even accommodate speak of African Private Interests. That what is been said here is that, in speak of Development and Africa, the failure in all, and in simply realizing that the very term of Unity, does not apply to all it can best be said here, and such that, it all too does speak of the very fact that, most Africans, are believed said to view life in all, and from a said even perspective or lens too, and of Inequity, and not that of Equality truly either. That it all too, now does ask of Africans, and of their said perceiving of life, and from speak of Memory, and Insight, and if not of what is believed said to pass and for the Imaginary, and if not for the Flash too that is. That in truly attempting to make sense or make headway of this all, is to now too, ask and of the very manner in all, Africans, do perceive the said Title of the Curator, and with he said too, to possess to him, a said Media, and that does too speak of Development, and in said speak too now and of the bettering of African lives, and in now asking Africans, and of what too does constitute for Perception, and as said too, to speak of the Imaginary, and if not of the Flash too that is.

In saying that, there is more to all this, and of a said here alternate Psychology, and if not in speak of African Politics too, is to now refer, and to speak, and of why Journalism, is simply said one of the far more important Institutions, and in Africa today too. That Journalism, has in all even come to be said aligned in all, attached to, or juxtaposed in all, and to speak of Mass Communications that is. That Journalism, is too said in the very least, not to strongly differ in all, and from speak too of Marketing, Advertising, Packaging, Sales or Branding that is. In however saying that, Journalism is its very own thing, is to now too, attempt to steer it all away, and from speak too of Politics, and towards now, and to speak of a said simple Spirituality, rather powerful though, African too (Link), and that does in all even ask of one, and of what Pronouncement is said to be, and if not in speak too and of Announcement, Denouncement, and of Renouncement too that is [that Pronouncement, is often said or taken as a term/word, and that does in all even signify, or have to it, simple Communications, and such that, such said Communications in all, do in all even speak of an African Spiritual life, and in now too saying that, when one does speak of the Voices in ones Head, and as said too instructing one, some said spirit, others said angel, devil, ancestor etc., it all does make sense only, and in speak of Communications, and that do speak too of Pronouncement that is][and with Africa too, simply said home, and to the very term/word of spirit that is].

Finally, speak now too, and of the very world of African Masks & Artefacts, and as said referring in all, and to African Identity, and as said defined truly, and by speak too of Innocence/Naivete too that is.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

American Living

American Living.

What they do in all even call American Living, can too be said, to differ, and from speak of American Lifestyles, and as said Conventional too. For American Living, and in regards and to speak of this very Blog, does in all even speak of African society, and as said too primarily, or fundamentally too, defined, and from speak of Exclusionism/Inclusionism that is [and in regards too, and to speak of just about every said activity, and as having to do with one that is].