Tuesday 25 August 2015

The Kiln

The Kiln.

This very entry, now does have to do, and with the very manner in all, those in Africa, do perceive Materials that is. That in speak of Identity created/formed in all, and in speak of Materials too, Africa is in all even said to have no History to it, and in regard and to all this: Materials. This is not actually true, but does speak of Africa, and as often said perceived, and from it all said Juxtaposed, and to speak of Brazil that is. That it is acknowledged by many that, the said Cultures of Brazil, and if not those of many another region in the World, and in speak too now of North America, Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and if not of India too, do in all even possess Culture that is, and that does have to it, a said African Imprint that is, and that most, do not always understand it can best be said here. That this said History, can best be said understood, and in the attempt to understand, what the said African Presences, and that did exist in Central Asia, are believed said to have been all about.

In helping one probably understand all this simply, and if not clearly, is to now too probably say that, it not only does speak of the said moniker of 'the Egyptian' that is, and if not of Egyptian culture too, and as said too African that is (for Egyptian Civilization, is believed first said Egyptian, then African, then said too a World Civilization that is), but that in all again, what we are trying to say here is that, what is termed for instance 'African Brew', is believed said too Central Asian, for in Africa, we do find what one could term Brew in itself that is, but that in all again, what we do call the African Kiln, is actually truly said Central Asian too, for in Africa, one does in all even actually find the Kiln in itself that is [and with the Furnace, and in History too, simply said Egyptian in all].

In having said that, is to now attempt to tackle the said even rather problematic, View in all, and that does say, African, does in all even truly lack, a said Material Identity, and that does in all even have to it all, many, and as said often comparing Africans, and to said African groups/presences, and in Brazil / South America too that is, but that we shall attempt to very much claim on this entry/post, is that, Africa, does in all even have a unique Material Identity/culture to it all, and that most too, are simply not said aware of that is.

That in speak of the History of Materials, and as now too said Matter, or Substance that is, is to now too speak of Egypt, and of Africa in Egypt too that is. Material History though, and as said Egyptian, is believed even, said rather extensive in its ways, for it all too, is said even Biblical, and in speak now and of God and as said fashioning Man, and out of Clay, and if not Mud too that is. However, the Egyptians, do too possess a Material culture of their own, and which in regards to speak of Africa, can be said to speak too of Kente Clothing, or of African Fabric too, and if not in speak now too of the Djembe, and which too is said Egyptian that is [and in said speak too now and of the Egyptian Mass that is].

In all, what we are trying to say here is that, Egypt's Influence and in/on Africa, now does ask of Africans, whom/who in all, they are, and in speak of Materials that is, and of Material culture too, for it all does not only associate Africa, and with speak of Colonial Expansionism that is, but does in all even tell one of Egypt's unique relationship/relation in all, and with Africa, and which does speak and of the very term/word of Declaration that is [that the Declaration, now too, does ask of one to define themselves truly, and in speak of Material Identity, and if not in speak of Material culture in itself that is].

In having said that, is to now revert and to speak of Kilns, and as said to truly speak of Africa, for the Kiln in all, does differ and from the Furnace, for the former, now too does tie Africa, and in History, and in regards to speak of Materials, and to speak now of Central Asia, and if not of the very names too of Smaug, and of Sauron too that is.