Wednesday 19 August 2015

Private Interests

Private Interests.

When we do talk here of, Private Interests, we are too, referring, and to African Political Interests, and as said defined, and at the Individual level too that is. That Africans, do not in all appear, to be knowledgeable that is, and of the said Politics in all, and that do too speak of what in all can be said to speak of World Politics, and if not of a World Status too that is. That Africans, are in all even said interested only, and in Politics, or Psychology too, and that do in all even incorporate into it, a said Time Factor, and that does speak of the Swahili term of Zamani that is.

In attempting to introduce Africa, and to the said Politics, or Psychology, and of Power or Status, and in the World today, is to in all even now thrown in, the said word of Libido, and if not of the Libidinal, and that does too, speak of one, and in Laughter, and if not in Doubt too that is. That the World today, and in its Psychology or Politics too, does in all even have it is believed here, speak of the Libido, and as said at the center of it all, and that in all again, speak now and of Psychology or Politics too, and that does now associate the Western World, and with speak of Supremacy, the Middle East and Hegemony, and of Asia, speak of a said even Japanese like Solidarity, and as said too referring and to speak of Shintoism in Japan that is.

In saying that, Africa, has in all even failed to define itself, and as said above, is to now too, attempt to introduce, a said differing Psychology in all, and if not Politics too, and into Africa, and that does in all even accommodate speak of African Private Interests. That what is been said here is that, in speak of Development and Africa, the failure in all, and in simply realizing that the very term of Unity, does not apply to all it can best be said here, and such that, it all too does speak of the very fact that, most Africans, are believed said to view life in all, and from a said even perspective or lens too, and of Inequity, and not that of Equality truly either. That it all too, now does ask of Africans, and of their said perceiving of life, and from speak of Memory, and Insight, and if not of what is believed said to pass and for the Imaginary, and if not for the Flash too that is. That in truly attempting to make sense or make headway of this all, is to now too, ask and of the very manner in all, Africans, do perceive the said Title of the Curator, and with he said too, to possess to him, a said Media, and that does too speak of Development, and in said speak too now and of the bettering of African lives, and in now asking Africans, and of what too does constitute for Perception, and as said too, to speak of the Imaginary, and if not of the Flash too that is.

In saying that, there is more to all this, and of a said here alternate Psychology, and if not in speak of African Politics too, is to now refer, and to speak, and of why Journalism, is simply said one of the far more important Institutions, and in Africa today too. That Journalism, has in all even come to be said aligned in all, attached to, or juxtaposed in all, and to speak of Mass Communications that is. That Journalism, is too said in the very least, not to strongly differ in all, and from speak too of Marketing, Advertising, Packaging, Sales or Branding that is. In however saying that, Journalism is its very own thing, is to now too, attempt to steer it all away, and from speak too of Politics, and towards now, and to speak of a said simple Spirituality, rather powerful though, African too (Link), and that does in all even ask of one, and of what Pronouncement is said to be, and if not in speak too and of Announcement, Denouncement, and of Renouncement too that is [that Pronouncement, is often said or taken as a term/word, and that does in all even signify, or have to it, simple Communications, and such that, such said Communications in all, do in all even speak of an African Spiritual life, and in now too saying that, when one does speak of the Voices in ones Head, and as said too instructing one, some said spirit, others said angel, devil, ancestor etc., it all does make sense only, and in speak of Communications, and that do speak too of Pronouncement that is][and with Africa too, simply said home, and to the very term/word of spirit that is].

Finally, speak now too, and of the very world of African Masks & Artefacts, and as said referring in all, and to African Identity, and as said defined truly, and by speak too of Innocence/Naivete too that is.