Tuesday 25 August 2015

Nairobi / Cotonou

Nairobi / Cotonou.

This entry, now does purport, to in all even, introduce a whole new Psychology to Africa, and that does in all even speak of Emotionality in itself. Something too, probably best said now acquainted, and with the very term/word of Impact, and as said too referring, and to the said Negative and Positive, and to be seen too, and in our everyday lives that is. That Emotionality, is simply taken to speak of life in itself, but it all too, can be said perceived here, and in speak of Hostility in itself, and as said too targeted towards those said African (and outside Africa too), and as said too an everyday experience that is.

That in helping one understand all this better, Emotionality, and that said too Egyptian, and as said too seen in all, outside Africa that is, and if not that said outside Africa too, does in all even define Emotionality, and in speak of the Psychology, and of Avoidance, Escapism and Withdrawal too, and if not in speak too now and of Introversion/Extroversion that is. That Africa, is believed to differ, minimally too, and in regards to all this, for while the above Psychology can be said African too, Africa is in all even believed defined and by the Psychology of the Retreat that is [and within oneself too; and of the said With-in, and of the With-out too that is].

In now tying Emotionality and to the everyday issues/matters and of our said lives, and if not of Problems and Troubles too, it all then can be said to speak of Politics, and in now too saying that, Africa, is more or less defined, and by speak of (the) Political Science(s) that is, and not Politics truly either.

In all, and in now too saying that, this very Blog, does in all even reference Kenya/Nairobi, and Benin/Cotonou too. and in regards to its Contents, offhandedly speaking too, is to now say that, Nairobi, and as said considered a said important or strategic City in Africa, does in all even have to do, and with the very manner in all, Africans do perceive themselves, and in speak of the Retreat, while in speak of Cotonou, the attempt here, to simply declare it all, home to Political Science, and in Africa too that is [and if not below the Sahara, or in speak too of South Africa, and its said differing Politics that is].

** do note it can be said here, that the said contents of this Blog, can too be classified, and under speak and of what does pass for Rumour-and-Gossip mill Africa that is.