Saturday 31 January 2015


of African Securitization.

A said here, Historical 'Manual' / Literary source/work, 'When we Ruled' and by Robin Walker too, and that does in all even speak of Securitization, and as said Africa's Largest Industry that is [that in all, what is been said here is that, the above work in all, does not actually speak of an African Equity, but could in all be said of considerable help, and in helping define new ways of thinking, input, and as with regards and to speak of Securitization in Africa that is].

Friday 30 January 2015

Implementational Design

Implementational Design.

What one could call Implementational Design, could very well be perceived, and as a joy of a kind, and in speak of transforming African Work Identity/Ethic that is. In helping one understand this better, is to now speak and of what does constitute and for Pride in itself, and if not speak of Sheer Glee for instance, and in speak now perhaps, and of Africa, and as said truly Developing that is. That Africa, does in all even find itself, said backward or lagging, and in speak of the very fact that, Work Ethic in Africa, is often many a times accompanied, and by speak only, and of the Report, and if not speak too and of Scheduling in itself that is.

In many another part of the World, and as including speak of Asia, Industry, and if not speak of Work Ethic in itself too, believed said to have truly advanced / 'come to be' / 'come of age' in all, and in speak too now, and of Work, and as said primarily associated in all, and with speak too specifically of Specification Requirements Sheets (SRS), Schematics, Graphic Design/Communications, Technical Writing/Drawing, Diagrams / Diagrammatic Reasoning (Link), Applications Design / Apps / Testing (Link) , Drafting etc.

That speak of the so termed Developed World, does not always refer, and to speak of Knowledge Accumulation and in speak too of Research that is, but speak truly, and of advancements made in all, and in speak of Work Spaces too that is. 

In all, and in speak here too and of finding Joy at Work, and if not speak of Sheer Glee (and in speak too perhaps and of the slogan 'Proudly Ghanaian' for instance), it then does require that Africans, do in all find a Work Identity/Ethic, and that can be said African truly, and in speak now and of Work Spaces that is. In speaking now of the very belief that, African Learning Environments, are simply said real, speak too now, and of African Arts & Design, and as simply now said to speak of Implementation / Implementational Design that is, and in speak too of Work Spaces, believed said now very much breeding Creativity in itself, and that can truly be said African, distinctively, and in speak of many an Imprint or Impression too that is.



This very entry, does very much have to do, and with awakening many an African in all, and to their Present Realities, and as they truly are. That for most Africans, the very false belief that, their Present Realities, and as dismal and as they might seem, very much have to do, and with speak of African Law, and if not African Practices that is. The belief here though, is that, African Identity today, does actually in all speak of African Communications, and in speak of one act/action, and as leading to another (or the next), and in now helping give rise (and if not birth), and to Africa, and in circumstance, presence and if not retrospect too that is [that Africa in all, and as often presented by the Media, does speak of presence, and not absence truly either].

In all, the very belief here that, Developing Africa, is not the rather complicated task, it is believed to be. That for most of the World, and in speak here of Asia, or the Middle Eastvtoo, and as now said attempting to make contact, and with the Western World so to speak, and in speak of Development, does have them, defining themselves, and in speak of Practises, and Law too that is [and respectively said].

In attempting perhaps to very much state that, Westerners in all, might be said appreciative, attentive or receptive, and in speak too of Interest, and if not Intrigue and Fascination, and of Asian Ritualistic practises, and of Law and the Middle East too [and in speak here too in all, and of the very things one might in all wish to be Involved in, and not truly Engaged in, and in speak too now, and of what does constitute, and for History, and as said a Subject], one will in all then find, Westerners, to be in all said, interested so to speak, and in African Communications ('wherever' they might be), and in further speak here of, and of Esteem/Hatred issues/matters too perhaps, and in speak too now, and of the term African-American, and as actually said Western, and not Modern truly either.

Thursday 29 January 2015

African Politics

African Politics.

If one was to be asked, to in all think about or discern African Politics, and from an African Commerce/Democracy perspective, then one in many a way, would not refer and to speak of Leadership for instance, or speak to of Agendas in all, but in speak truly, and of what is said to constitute and for Legitimacy and Validity, and in Africa too that is.

That many a Political issues/matter in Africa, and when perceived from speak of an African Commerce, does in all even lead to, speak of Legitimacy in itself (and as now in all even, referring, and to speak of Community/Communal/Genetic Make-Up), or speak too of Validity that is [and as said referring, and to speak of Individual/Group Formations that is].

In all, Politics, or speak too of Political life, and in most of the World, very much dealing with Validity, and in speak too of Institution, Political, but in speak of Africa, the very reality that, African life is always truly lived around speak of Legitimacy, and that the Politics of Validity so to speak, have proven to be non-commital in their ways in all, and if not in-commensurable too, and in helping define, Modern in all, Present that is, African Identities, and if not speak of the solving of African problems that is.

African Lifestyles

African Lifestyles.

African Lifestyles, and as said above the Tropic of Cancer in all, above/below the Equator, and below the Tropic of Capricorn too that is, and as respectively said in all.

the Handbook

the Handbook.

African Media 101.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

7th Heaven

7th Heaven.

This entry, very much has to do, and with African Commerce (and in speak too of an African Democracy), and as now said juxtaposed, and to speak of Swahili Identity in Africa that is. That most in all, don't truly know what does stand for Swahili Identity, and as with it even said a part of the History of the Middle East, but in many a way, it all, Swahili Identity that is, could best be viewed or said to speak of SOAS (The School of Oriental and African Studies) [Link] that is.

In having said this, it all does now and in all even speak and of the very role that Swahili peoples, have played in African History, and as with it said to speak of Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania, and if not speak too of Mozambique and South Africa too that is. That Swahili Identity and as perceived as such, as just mentioned that is, does in all even speak of it, and as truly associated and with Swahili Healing & Cleansings Traditions/Identity/Ceremonies that is. That the Swahili in all, are in all even truly said, to possess a Medical tradition, and that does in all even speak of Disease or Illness, and as said African too that is. 

The Times in all though, are believed to have changed [or have truly changed]. That the Swahili in all, and as said adapting in many a way, and to the Modern/Western Times we do all live in, now in all do find that, their societies or those said to exist in Africa too, no longer do evolve, and in speak of Healing & Cleansings Ceremonies, and in further speak of an Africa, and as said Historically primarily defined, and in speak too of African Religious Custom and Taboo that is.

In many a way, the Swahili have in all changed, and in speak of aspiration, and are now in all even said to define Identity, and in speak of Universalism that is [or speak too, and of those who do aspire, and to dine and wine, and in the finest of NY Restaurants, or further speak too, and of Kenya's said failed Tourism Industry that is].

In all, what is been said here is that, and in attempting to separate African Commerce/Democracy, and from speak too of Swahili Culture, is that, Swahili Culture in all, is known or said to very much harbour,  segregative attitudes and towards Africa, and in speak too of Universalism that is, and that do in all even speak of Racial Bias, and if not Apartheid in itself too that is.

In all, the very asking of many a person here, and to in all forego Universalism in itself, and as African Commerce/Democracy in all, and in speak of African Religion/Spirituality too, does in all even speak of the 7th heaven / the Heavens too that is.

Thursday 22 January 2015

African Civilization

African Civilization.

This post, very much has to do, and with the very fact, and that does say, that most Africans are simply believed not in recognizance perhaps, and of each other that is. In understanding all this, is to now and in all even simply understand, African History, and as believed even said Commercial too, and as now said classified, and as said Sudanid, Egyptian and Capoid too [and speak too of African Identity, and as said Bantoid, Igboid, Aborigine (Link) etc.].

In attempting to explain the above better, Egyptian Identity now, and as said speaking of Egypt, and as said Pharaonic too in all, but speak too of Egypt, and as simply said to speak of Lower Egypt (towards Cairo) that is. In speak of Sudanid Identity in Africa, speak now and of African History and as most do know it, and as said centered in all, and in speak of Upper Egypt (towards Nubia), and speak too of Africa, and as said divided into speak of Egypt (Lower, Middle, Upper), Nubia, Libya and the rest of Africa that is.

There is however, a differing manner/way in all, and of viewing Africa, and that does in all even speak of so termed Capoid Identity. For Identity and as said Congoid (Link) in all, does speak too and of the Sudanid (Link) and as most do know it today, but in speak of Egypt, Capoid Identity, now said and to speak of Thebes Egypt, and the Nile too, and who/whom by race, were in all ways even, said Capoid that is [and as with they said differing and from Pharaonic Egypt in all actually].

In many a way though, what is been said here is that, African Civilization, and from a said Commercial perspective too, is not understood by most, in that, it does in all even, associate African societies, and with speak of Heaven & Hell, and such that, most out there, are said not to know of the very fact that, most societies outside Africa, have never truly envisioned lives and in speak of Heaven & Hell that is, but in all again, societies now, and as said defined  and in speak of Chaos and Order that is [and as with it all even referring here, and to speak of India, and of the term 'Kali Yuga' that is][India though, and as said Yogic, very much African that is].

In many a way, and as in now saying that, African Identity and as said Egyptian (Link), Sudanid (Link) and Capoid (Link), does speak of it all, and as said Africoid (Link) too, but with it all, not said to speak of the Swahili peoples of Africa, and whom/who are in all ways truly, now best said even, a Bantu/'Black African' people that is.

Finally, the proposal here that, African Civilization, and as best said Capoid, does in all even speak of it and as finding a home in Tanzania too that is.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Light on Yoga

Light on Yoga.


Of Codings, Yoga, Yogic, [Link].
Of Africa, of India, of Conscience.

Of Africa, of Codings, -->, the Conscious.
Of India, of Codings, -->, the Ideal.

Of Light, of Codings, --> the Complete.
Of Yoga, of Codings, -->, of Balance, of Conscientiousness, -->, the One.
Of Concepts, of Codings, -->, the Whole.

Of light, of Codings, -->, of Awareness, -->, the Weighted.

Monday 19 January 2015

the African Republic

the African Republic.

When we do refer here, and to speak of an African Republic, it in all, should not be taken as very much going against, the original thread / line of thought, and as having to do with this Blog that is. That the African Republic in all, and in speak of Design too, is not actually said Yoruba and as some might think, but speak in all perhaps, and of the terms Odudua/Oduduwa, Edo, and speak too of African Design (Link), and as said best here and to speak too of the Quiz that is.

The above though, is not mentioned and in speak of pretension either, Quizzes, and as said defining the African Republic that is, but in all again, does attempt to speak and of just what many an African in all, might truly consider, and to represent and for an African Mindset, African Mentalities, and if not speak of African Beliefs too that is. 

In all, when one does think of African Mindsets, African Mentalities and African Beliefs too, and in the World we do live in today, it all, has come to be tied down, and in speak of what one could term GRAC that is [or speak too of Gender, Race, Age and Class too in all]. In all again, and in speak here and of Neo-Colonialism, GRAC and as coming to be defined, and by speak of Media and as said not true to Africa in all, and as with it all even and in the very least, said breeding many a Mentality or Mindset, and that does have to do, and with African Culture, and as now said defined by speak of Servility, Castes and if not Exploitation in itself either that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, and in speak too of an African Republic, that Media in Africa, and that does speak of GRAC in all, can best be said to go along in all and with speak of Specialization, and as versus speak of Niches and Specialities too that is. That this in all now, does speak of Media, and as outsourced in all, and in speak now of Letters, Cabinets, Suites and Offices too that is.

In all though, and in helping make above just mentioned clearer, speak now and of a Generic African Media, and as said to speak of the African Republic, and in a Political manner/fashion too, speaking in all and of it said consisting of the following: Salutations, Citations and Example too that is.

In all, what is been said here, is that, the African Republic, is not believed said in all again, and as functioning in all, and in speak of Religious, Social, Civic/Political and Economic life too, but in speak now of the Governmental, and as redefined/re-designed, and in speak of an African Republic, and that does in all hint at Edo Yoruba culture that is. That Edo Culture, and as said Governmental too for instance, does in all even speak of the Critic, but what is been said here is that, the African Republic and as traditionally said in all Edo, does have its origins in all, and in speak of Odudua for instance, but with it all made manifest in all again, and in speak now of Oriki (Link), Mythic Stories (Link), the Studio (Link), the African Press, African Secular Music etc., and as with it in all again said grounded in all, and in speak of Odudua, and as said Proponent too that is.

In all though, the African Republic and as existing as just mentioned above, that said Edo, is not what it appears to be, and in speak of what does constitute for Order in itself, but that in all ways even, speak now and of the African Republic, and in speak of the Critic too and if not Odudua in himself, now said in all, grounded in all again, and in speak of Photography/Photo Books too that is [and as said to go along in all and with speak of Infrastructure too for instance].

Saturday 3 January 2015



Ba-Luba, speak now and of an African Media, and that does in all even speak of African Heritages, and in speak too of African Forms, Shapes and Features too that is.

Friday 2 January 2015



This entry, will in all attempt to have one pondering, that Development in Africa, best lies and in speak of Localities in all, and not in speak of Cities, States or speak even of Nationalism in itself either that is. That in all, many a society in Africa in all again, and if not Country or Nation too, is simply said mired in all, and in speak and of what does constitute for Equality, Superiority or Inferiority in itself that is, and in society too. That this argumentative process, and of attempting to define Africa in all, and away from speak of Equality, Superiority and Inferiority, and onwards and to speak of Independence or Autonomy in itself too it is presumed in all, is said to have failed, and from a Country, Nation or State perspective in all, and in truly in all again perhaps, helping deal, and with what does make for the prevailing Chaotic conditions in all again, and as to be seen/found all over Africa in many a way.

In speaking of Africa as such, Chaotic, and as now in all even said Polluted or Contaminated truly, we are now in many a way, associating Development in Africa, and with speak in many a way too, and of Road/Transport Network Systems that is. That it in all again, now does speak of Development in Africa, and as said geared in all, and alongside speak of Road/Transport Network Systems, geared in all, and in speak now of associating Infrastructure in itself, and with speak again and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism and in itself too that is. That this in all, Inclusionism/Exclusionism, does in all even speak of Masterliness, and of being a Master truly (and of Sorrow too perhaps), and in speak now of such Masterliness, that of Sorrow, and as said in all again and to speak and of just how we do define Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and at any said moment too that is [and in speak too now perhaps, semantically too, and of an 'African Samurai' that is].

In stating the above in all, and in now adding the very Development in all again, and of an Internet Networking System in all, and all over Africa too, speak now and of the Internet, and of Road/Transport Networks Systems too, and as said in all again, and in helping truly define Africa, and from speak of Localities too (and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism), and in speak now of African Identity, and as simply said Homogenous, Heterogenous or Autogenous too that is.

In helping one understand the above, Inclusionism/Exclusionism in all, below will be presented, a said generic manner and of 'Mapping out' Africa in many a way, and as it is believed to exist (and away from speak of Country and Infrastructure too), and in speak now perhaps, and of the Internet in Africa too that is. That in helping one truly know what does in all even stand for or represent for Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and at just about any moment of ones life, below, a manner/way and of viewing all this, and from speak too of spaces/places inhabited that is:

1. African Spaces - speak now, and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and as said defined primarily perhaps, and in speak of Contributions, Participation and Sharing too that is.

2. Institutes/Institutions/Centers - speak now and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and as said defined and in speak of Help, Aid, and Assistance too that is.

3. Establishments/Venues/Spots - speak now and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and as said to refer or speak too of Ableness, Ability and Capability too.

4. Hubs/Homes./Halls-Rooms-Chambers-Offices etc. - speak now of Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and as said defined in all, and in speak of Competence, Consent and Capacity too.

5. Places/Buildings - speak now and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and as defined now in all again, and in speak now of Differences, Similarities and Congruence too that is.

in all, and as mentioned before and above, African Identity, and as said defined and in speak of the Homogenous, Heterogenous and Autogenous, and as with it all even perhaps now said here associated, and with the Chemical Tradition too so to speak, and in speak of Foods stuffs in all, and in further speak here too and of their said being Mixtures, Compounds, Solutions, Elements etc. Futhermore, speak here in all again, and of Investing in the African Creative Arts, and as said a force in all and to be associated, and in speak of Media Development in Africa, and in helping Africa define itself, and as simply mentioned above in all that is [or in speak in all again, and of African Identity and as said Homogenous, Heterogenous and Autogenous too that is].

African Society

African Society.

One in many a way, cannot truly best explain to many a person, simply what in all again, Society is said to be, and in speak of the World today, and as primarily in all even defined in its ways/manners, and in speak of Modern Communications and Modern Technologies in themselves too that is. That both of these, have had to do, and with the doing away, and with what they do term Society in all, and as most now do in all associate the very manner, they do create Identity, and with speak of Media in itself, and not Society truly either. For while Society is said to arise in all, and with many a Family member perhaps, simply said converging with each other (Link), but in understanding it all and from the very perspective of Modern Communications and Modern Technologies, is to now in all even refer, and to the very world of Secret Societies too that is.

For Society is many a thing, but in many a way truly, it does in all even speak of the very manner we do now define what is believed said to be of Importance or Significance, and in our lives too, and in speak now in all for instance, and of the very rise of Money and in the very form of Currency, or speak even and of Wealth and as said an Asset or a Liability in all that is. Secret Society though, does differ, for it in many a way, does in all even speak of the very world of Science & Technology (and in speak too of Communications here), and in speak now and of one, and as simply said associated, with certain forms of Communications in society (Courtesies and as versus speak of Cordiality for instance), and in speak now of those who do in all want to be Esteemed and by society in itself, and in speak furtherly now of what they do term Human nature too, and as said not only arising and with what some do term the Psychology of the Family, but in all ways even, speak of one and as driven by Revenge, Retribution, Vengeance etc., and in wanting to make a Name for themselves that is. Perhaps Society in all, not too easy to make out in its ways, and in speak now of Modern Technologies and Modern Communications, and as said defining society in all again, and in speak fundamentally too, and of Security in itself that is. 

In helping one understand the above truly better, the very purpose of Society in our lives, is to now in all even speak of the very reason why Secret Society, is said to arise, and in speak now of the very saying that 'no Man is an Island to himself' that is. That in all again, the very belief that, we do need others in all, and in simply knowing or learning about ourselves, and in speak too now, and of succeeding and in life that is [that in all, we do need others and in learning and of simply how to best open up to life, and in the name of Friendship or Camaraderie too for instance, and such that, we do now associate life and as with it said lived out, and in speak now of no Restraint(s) that is].

The above though, does not truly speak of why Society, or Secret Society truly, does exist or arise, and other than in speak now, and of one and as truly attaining or achieving in all, Fame or Glory in itself, and in speak now of Success or Heaven in itself, and as associated and with speak now and of the very term Renunciation too that is. That in all, Society is now said to arise and with those who do believe in all that, if they do renounce something in many a way, then everything else will actually truly in all, be said to come rushing in, and into their very lives that is.

It is in Society though, and as defined and in speak of Renunciation, and whereby everyday life in all, is often believed said to truly meet History in itself, and in speak now in all even, and of many a Secret Society, and as having come to shape our very World today, and as it is, and in speak too now perhaps, and of the name of Jesus Christ, the Last Supper, but truly in all even, and in speak of Judas Iscariot too that is. That this in all now does speak of many a Secret Society and as now coming to readily impact and define History in itself (and in speak now of 'changing the Course of History' so to speak), and in speak now too perhaps, and of Fame or Glory attained in all, and of visions of Heaven, and as now here perhaps, associated in all even and with speak too of the 33rd Degree Scottish Freemasonry Rite that is. That this in all now, does in all even speak of what Imagination, Hallucinations or even speak of making Contact with Angels, is said to be truly all about (and in speak of the Good Samaritan too), and in speak now of the very damaging effects, the Modern World in all, has very much had and on our Psyches that is. That this in all, does in all even speak of what Freemason Rites are believed said to be all about, and with they in all even associated with many a Space, and that does have many a said outlandish belief associated with it all, or speak even and of movement, motion and activity, and as now said defined in certain said particular manners/ways that is. In understanding this better, is to now associate Imagination, Hallucinations and even beliefs in Angels perhaps, and with it all said embodying many a movement, motion or activity in all, in that, the very belief or idea and of seeing an Angel in ones mind in all, does now associate it and with certain said movement, motion or activity too, and that does in all even go along in all, and with an Inner Voice to one, and in helping one explain or understand what it is they are very much seeing in their heads so to speak that is.

In helping one understand Freemason Rite and as mentioned above, or speak even of simply holding many a belief that does speak of the outlandish, but of Imagination too, and as said firing up, we now do enter the very manner or way and by which Modern societies in all, are said destructive, in that, movement, motion or activity in modern societies, is often even primarily said associated, and with speak of Noise in itself, and not Sounds either that is. That Modern societies, and in speak too of Television here perhaps, now associating one with many a Noise, and in speak of movement, motion or activity, and that does in all even hamper and with speak of the workings of ones Imagination in all, or Hallucinations truly, and as merely described and in the above paragraph that is. 

In the old World though, many not too obsessed and with Technology and as we do know it today, and as most in all, did truly associate speak of life, and with speak of Affiliations in themselves that is [or speak even, and of Associations made in all]. That in all, life, and as said having a Continuity to it, and that does in all even speak of one and as attaining in all, their very Dreams, or speak too, and of God, Heaven and in speak too of Family in itself that is, does speak now and of Identity created, and in speak of Affiliations that is [and as with it a Bond in all, and that does in all even speak of rejection, and in speak too now, and of one, and as said having many a Part to them that is].

It is here now, where we do in all for instance, meet Jesuit History, and as often associated and with speak of Wealth, and in speak too now of Conspiracy and Political Drama, and in speak again and of those wishing to make an Impact on their very lives, and of those of others, and if not society in itself too, and in speak not only of Affiliations in all made, but in speak too of many a movement, motion or activity here, and that does in all even speak of one and as said gaining a Part to them, or losing it all too that is.

In all, Society and as described as above, the very key, and to understanding Society, and as often said intimate and with speak of Commerce too, and in speak now of the very forces and that are said to drive Commerce, Business or Trade too, and in further speak now and of an African Democracy in itself, and as said referring and to speak of Universalism, and if not the defining of an African Emotion that is [and as said in all again and to refer, and to speak too of the term Advent, but in all again, speak too of an African Journalism in itself, and if not speak too of Monetarism in all that is].