Friday 2 January 2015



This entry, will in all attempt to have one pondering, that Development in Africa, best lies and in speak of Localities in all, and not in speak of Cities, States or speak even of Nationalism in itself either that is. That in all, many a society in Africa in all again, and if not Country or Nation too, is simply said mired in all, and in speak and of what does constitute for Equality, Superiority or Inferiority in itself that is, and in society too. That this argumentative process, and of attempting to define Africa in all, and away from speak of Equality, Superiority and Inferiority, and onwards and to speak of Independence or Autonomy in itself too it is presumed in all, is said to have failed, and from a Country, Nation or State perspective in all, and in truly in all again perhaps, helping deal, and with what does make for the prevailing Chaotic conditions in all again, and as to be seen/found all over Africa in many a way.

In speaking of Africa as such, Chaotic, and as now in all even said Polluted or Contaminated truly, we are now in many a way, associating Development in Africa, and with speak in many a way too, and of Road/Transport Network Systems that is. That it in all again, now does speak of Development in Africa, and as said geared in all, and alongside speak of Road/Transport Network Systems, geared in all, and in speak now of associating Infrastructure in itself, and with speak again and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism and in itself too that is. That this in all, Inclusionism/Exclusionism, does in all even speak of Masterliness, and of being a Master truly (and of Sorrow too perhaps), and in speak now of such Masterliness, that of Sorrow, and as said in all again and to speak and of just how we do define Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and at any said moment too that is [and in speak too now perhaps, semantically too, and of an 'African Samurai' that is].

In stating the above in all, and in now adding the very Development in all again, and of an Internet Networking System in all, and all over Africa too, speak now and of the Internet, and of Road/Transport Networks Systems too, and as said in all again, and in helping truly define Africa, and from speak of Localities too (and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism), and in speak now of African Identity, and as simply said Homogenous, Heterogenous or Autogenous too that is.

In helping one understand the above, Inclusionism/Exclusionism in all, below will be presented, a said generic manner and of 'Mapping out' Africa in many a way, and as it is believed to exist (and away from speak of Country and Infrastructure too), and in speak now perhaps, and of the Internet in Africa too that is. That in helping one truly know what does in all even stand for or represent for Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and at just about any moment of ones life, below, a manner/way and of viewing all this, and from speak too of spaces/places inhabited that is:

1. African Spaces - speak now, and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and as said defined primarily perhaps, and in speak of Contributions, Participation and Sharing too that is.

2. Institutes/Institutions/Centers - speak now and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and as said defined and in speak of Help, Aid, and Assistance too that is.

3. Establishments/Venues/Spots - speak now and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and as said to refer or speak too of Ableness, Ability and Capability too.

4. Hubs/Homes./Halls-Rooms-Chambers-Offices etc. - speak now of Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and as said defined in all, and in speak of Competence, Consent and Capacity too.

5. Places/Buildings - speak now and of Inclusionism/Exclusionism, and as defined now in all again, and in speak now of Differences, Similarities and Congruence too that is.

in all, and as mentioned before and above, African Identity, and as said defined and in speak of the Homogenous, Heterogenous and Autogenous, and as with it all even perhaps now said here associated, and with the Chemical Tradition too so to speak, and in speak of Foods stuffs in all, and in further speak here too and of their said being Mixtures, Compounds, Solutions, Elements etc. Futhermore, speak here in all again, and of Investing in the African Creative Arts, and as said a force in all and to be associated, and in speak of Media Development in Africa, and in helping Africa define itself, and as simply mentioned above in all that is [or in speak in all again, and of African Identity and as said Homogenous, Heterogenous and Autogenous too that is].