Friday 30 January 2015



This very entry, does very much have to do, and with awakening many an African in all, and to their Present Realities, and as they truly are. That for most Africans, the very false belief that, their Present Realities, and as dismal and as they might seem, very much have to do, and with speak of African Law, and if not African Practices that is. The belief here though, is that, African Identity today, does actually in all speak of African Communications, and in speak of one act/action, and as leading to another (or the next), and in now helping give rise (and if not birth), and to Africa, and in circumstance, presence and if not retrospect too that is [that Africa in all, and as often presented by the Media, does speak of presence, and not absence truly either].

In all, the very belief here that, Developing Africa, is not the rather complicated task, it is believed to be. That for most of the World, and in speak here of Asia, or the Middle Eastvtoo, and as now said attempting to make contact, and with the Western World so to speak, and in speak of Development, does have them, defining themselves, and in speak of Practises, and Law too that is [and respectively said].

In attempting perhaps to very much state that, Westerners in all, might be said appreciative, attentive or receptive, and in speak too of Interest, and if not Intrigue and Fascination, and of Asian Ritualistic practises, and of Law and the Middle East too [and in speak here too in all, and of the very things one might in all wish to be Involved in, and not truly Engaged in, and in speak too now, and of what does constitute, and for History, and as said a Subject], one will in all then find, Westerners, to be in all said, interested so to speak, and in African Communications ('wherever' they might be), and in further speak here of, and of Esteem/Hatred issues/matters too perhaps, and in speak too now, and of the term African-American, and as actually said Western, and not Modern truly either.