Tuesday 27 January 2015

7th Heaven

7th Heaven.

This entry, very much has to do, and with African Commerce (and in speak too of an African Democracy), and as now said juxtaposed, and to speak of Swahili Identity in Africa that is. That most in all, don't truly know what does stand for Swahili Identity, and as with it even said a part of the History of the Middle East, but in many a way, it all, Swahili Identity that is, could best be viewed or said to speak of SOAS (The School of Oriental and African Studies) [Link] that is.

In having said this, it all does now and in all even speak and of the very role that Swahili peoples, have played in African History, and as with it said to speak of Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania, and if not speak too of Mozambique and South Africa too that is. That Swahili Identity and as perceived as such, as just mentioned that is, does in all even speak of it, and as truly associated and with Swahili Healing & Cleansings Traditions/Identity/Ceremonies that is. That the Swahili in all, are in all even truly said, to possess a Medical tradition, and that does in all even speak of Disease or Illness, and as said African too that is. 

The Times in all though, are believed to have changed [or have truly changed]. That the Swahili in all, and as said adapting in many a way, and to the Modern/Western Times we do all live in, now in all do find that, their societies or those said to exist in Africa too, no longer do evolve, and in speak of Healing & Cleansings Ceremonies, and in further speak of an Africa, and as said Historically primarily defined, and in speak too of African Religious Custom and Taboo that is.

In many a way, the Swahili have in all changed, and in speak of aspiration, and are now in all even said to define Identity, and in speak of Universalism that is [or speak too, and of those who do aspire, and to dine and wine, and in the finest of NY Restaurants, or further speak too, and of Kenya's said failed Tourism Industry that is].

In all, what is been said here is that, and in attempting to separate African Commerce/Democracy, and from speak too of Swahili Culture, is that, Swahili Culture in all, is known or said to very much harbour,  segregative attitudes and towards Africa, and in speak too of Universalism that is, and that do in all even speak of Racial Bias, and if not Apartheid in itself too that is.

In all, the very asking of many a person here, and to in all forego Universalism in itself, and as African Commerce/Democracy in all, and in speak of African Religion/Spirituality too, does in all even speak of the 7th heaven / the Heavens too that is.