Monday 19 January 2015

the African Republic

the African Republic.

When we do refer here, and to speak of an African Republic, it in all, should not be taken as very much going against, the original thread / line of thought, and as having to do with this Blog that is. That the African Republic in all, and in speak of Design too, is not actually said Yoruba and as some might think, but speak in all perhaps, and of the terms Odudua/Oduduwa, Edo, and speak too of African Design (Link), and as said best here and to speak too of the Quiz that is.

The above though, is not mentioned and in speak of pretension either, Quizzes, and as said defining the African Republic that is, but in all again, does attempt to speak and of just what many an African in all, might truly consider, and to represent and for an African Mindset, African Mentalities, and if not speak of African Beliefs too that is. 

In all, when one does think of African Mindsets, African Mentalities and African Beliefs too, and in the World we do live in today, it all, has come to be tied down, and in speak of what one could term GRAC that is [or speak too of Gender, Race, Age and Class too in all]. In all again, and in speak here and of Neo-Colonialism, GRAC and as coming to be defined, and by speak of Media and as said not true to Africa in all, and as with it all even and in the very least, said breeding many a Mentality or Mindset, and that does have to do, and with African Culture, and as now said defined by speak of Servility, Castes and if not Exploitation in itself either that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, and in speak too of an African Republic, that Media in Africa, and that does speak of GRAC in all, can best be said to go along in all and with speak of Specialization, and as versus speak of Niches and Specialities too that is. That this in all now, does speak of Media, and as outsourced in all, and in speak now of Letters, Cabinets, Suites and Offices too that is.

In all though, and in helping make above just mentioned clearer, speak now and of a Generic African Media, and as said to speak of the African Republic, and in a Political manner/fashion too, speaking in all and of it said consisting of the following: Salutations, Citations and Example too that is.

In all, what is been said here, is that, the African Republic, is not believed said in all again, and as functioning in all, and in speak of Religious, Social, Civic/Political and Economic life too, but in speak now of the Governmental, and as redefined/re-designed, and in speak of an African Republic, and that does in all hint at Edo Yoruba culture that is. That Edo Culture, and as said Governmental too for instance, does in all even speak of the Critic, but what is been said here is that, the African Republic and as traditionally said in all Edo, does have its origins in all, and in speak of Odudua for instance, but with it all made manifest in all again, and in speak now of Oriki (Link), Mythic Stories (Link), the Studio (Link), the African Press, African Secular Music etc., and as with it in all again said grounded in all, and in speak of Odudua, and as said Proponent too that is.

In all though, the African Republic and as existing as just mentioned above, that said Edo, is not what it appears to be, and in speak of what does constitute for Order in itself, but that in all ways even, speak now and of the African Republic, and in speak of the Critic too and if not Odudua in himself, now said in all, grounded in all again, and in speak of Photography/Photo Books too that is [and as said to go along in all and with speak of Infrastructure too for instance].