Thursday 22 January 2015

African Civilization

African Civilization.

This post, very much has to do, and with the very fact, and that does say, that most Africans are simply believed not in recognizance perhaps, and of each other that is. In understanding all this, is to now and in all even simply understand, African History, and as believed even said Commercial too, and as now said classified, and as said Sudanid, Egyptian and Capoid too [and speak too of African Identity, and as said Bantoid, Igboid, Aborigine (Link) etc.].

In attempting to explain the above better, Egyptian Identity now, and as said speaking of Egypt, and as said Pharaonic too in all, but speak too of Egypt, and as simply said to speak of Lower Egypt (towards Cairo) that is. In speak of Sudanid Identity in Africa, speak now and of African History and as most do know it, and as said centered in all, and in speak of Upper Egypt (towards Nubia), and speak too of Africa, and as said divided into speak of Egypt (Lower, Middle, Upper), Nubia, Libya and the rest of Africa that is.

There is however, a differing manner/way in all, and of viewing Africa, and that does in all even speak of so termed Capoid Identity. For Identity and as said Congoid (Link) in all, does speak too and of the Sudanid (Link) and as most do know it today, but in speak of Egypt, Capoid Identity, now said and to speak of Thebes Egypt, and the Nile too, and who/whom by race, were in all ways even, said Capoid that is [and as with they said differing and from Pharaonic Egypt in all actually].

In many a way though, what is been said here is that, African Civilization, and from a said Commercial perspective too, is not understood by most, in that, it does in all even, associate African societies, and with speak of Heaven & Hell, and such that, most out there, are said not to know of the very fact that, most societies outside Africa, have never truly envisioned lives and in speak of Heaven & Hell that is, but in all again, societies now, and as said defined  and in speak of Chaos and Order that is [and as with it all even referring here, and to speak of India, and of the term 'Kali Yuga' that is][India though, and as said Yogic, very much African that is].

In many a way, and as in now saying that, African Identity and as said Egyptian (Link), Sudanid (Link) and Capoid (Link), does speak of it all, and as said Africoid (Link) too, but with it all, not said to speak of the Swahili peoples of Africa, and whom/who are in all ways truly, now best said even, a Bantu/'Black African' people that is.

Finally, the proposal here that, African Civilization, and as best said Capoid, does in all even speak of it and as finding a home in Tanzania too that is.