Friday 12 December 2014

'A Work of Ones Doing'

'A Work of Ones Doing'.

This entry, will attempt to give in all, a true Spiritual Inclination in all that is, and to the very Contents of this Blog. The question being in all pondered here, is in all again, what in all, does truly constitute, and for Continuity and in our lives that is [and as said even Evolutionary, and if not speak even, and of Re-Incarnation that is]. In all, and from an African Commerce/Democracy Stance too, the very question in all again, and of just why in all, we should care to do anything worthwhile or marvelous, and as starting in all and at this very moment too, and in speak even and of the very said Value, and of Money in itself, and as perceived in all even, and from a genuine, true or authentic African Context that is.

In all, what is been hinted at here is that, speak of Pricing at the very least, and of anything and in speak too even and of Human life, and as with regards to Africa, is often believed said Cheap in all, and in speak too of Internationalism for instance, but that in all again, speak now even, and of Money in all, today, and from which an African Context too, is said derived, and in speak in all all even, and of Valuables in themselves only perhaps, and at its very best too that is [what is been said here is that, and in saying it / putting it blunt too, even if in Africa, and with all the Money to one, nothing in all can be said to be attached to ones Name, and in Prestige too, and other than speak of Internationalism that is].

In all again, and finally, what is been truly said here is that, in helping give one Continuity in all, and to ones life, and in speak of Re-Incarnation too, and in the name of an African Commerce/Democracy in all, one in all ways even, can give Value or Worth to ones life, and in speak too of African Contexts, and by simply knowing what the saying 'A Work of Ones Doing' truly means [that at every moment in all, and when asked to do anything, and in speak even of 'making ones Bed', Cooking an Omelette, Asking a Question, Shopping for a Gift, seeking to Help Out etc., then let it all simply be described and as said in all again, 'A Work of Ones Doing', and in basic speak here of the Unique, or speak even and of going through life, and in speak too of the Occasion, and as said to truly refer, and to the meeting of ones Fellow Beings, and all and as inspired in all even, and in speak of the saying 'A Work of Ones Doing' in all, and as going along in all even, and with ones Perceptions of Death, and if not Re-Incarnation too, and in speak of the belief, we simply do return to Earth, and to meet, our Fellow Human Beings, and in speak basically in all, and of the saying 'A Work of Ones Doing' that is].