Saturday 20 December 2014

Indigenous/Native Knowledge Systems

Indigenous/Native Knowledge Systems.

This entry in all, very much has to do, and with the creating of Indigenous/Native Knowledge Systems, and in a World today, and that does treat Knowledge, and as very much said a Commodity, a Process, or speak even and of Knowledge, and as said a Method that is. That the definition of Knowledge as such, does differ from that seen in the past or ancient/old World, in that, Knowledge back then, did speak of it all, and as said to speak of Spaces, Time, and Spatial-Temporal Realities in themselves [and with the third, speaking of whom/who in all, we are, and with God too that is].

In defining Knowledge and as the World today does in all think of it all, is to then refer perhaps, and to the entry on African Profiles that is [Link][and as manner of creating Knowledge in all, and that can in all even be deemed Expensive in some ways or manners too that is].

In defining Knowledge and as very well done traditionally in all, is to in all ways even now, speak too and of Divinational Systems, and alongside speak even and of Oracles that is. That these Knowledge Systems/Bodies in all, and as today deemed inferior, can be approached and from speak and of as such, and in speak now, and of the rather differing manners and ways, and by which we do define Spaces, and if not Time in itself, and as compared to the past that is, and if not speak of the rather differing even, movements, activities and motions too in all, and that do in all even define our Spatial-Temporal Realities, and in speak too perhaps, and of Modern Religion that is.

In having said this, is to now say that, the Knowledge Systems/Bodies in all, and that are associated with our World today, do in all even require one to have a certain Material bases, and as said required, and in speak of Application in itself too, and in the World we do live in today that is, in that, it does in all even speak of the World today, and as associated and with differing Materials in all, and from those seen in the past, and in speak of surfaces, textures and 'finish' too, and Materials in all again and in the very least, often associated, and with certain Chemical Processes that is [and not speak of Synthesis truly either, and in speak of Wine-Making too for instance].

In all, and in attempting to have one create Knowledge Systems/Bodies in all, and that do in all even refer and to the past World, and if not speak too of the Future, is to now in all even speak of the importance and of truly learning how to simply create Spaces, or keep Time too, and in speak of Africa, and in further speak here even, and of the preserving of African Traditional Religions in all, and in speak too, and of the very manner/way we do define Spatial-Temporal Realities that is. That in all, and in speak too of Vacuums perhaps, speak now, and of viewing everything, and in speak of Divinational Systems too, and from the very perspective of the Specifics that is. That this in all, does in all even speak of Assembly Programming Languages for instance.

We do however though, have what they do call Oracles, and whose Interpretation in all, might be difficult to most, and as with regards and to speak of the World today, and as defined and in speak of Constructs that is. That this in all, might very well simply speak and of the very manner/way, and by which we do define ourselves, and in speak of Gender, Race, Age or Class too, in that, we are in all limited and in our understanding, and of Oracles, and from speak too of Purpose, Motive, Signs, the Sacrificial etc. In all, the very belief here that, Oracles in all again, can simply be re-interpreted, and in speak now and of Questionnaires, and that do in all even, simply merge the past, and in Construct too, and to the Present and if not the Future, and in speak now and in all even, and of truly seeing Reality and as it is, and in further speak even of Backgrounds, Ancestries, and Ethnicity, and if not speak of Heritages in particular that is [that Heritage in all, and in speak too of Oracles/Questionnaires, does in all even speak and of whom/who in all we are, and with Hindsight, Foresight and Insight too that is].