Tuesday 9 December 2014

African Perversions

African Perversions.

This entry in all, does very much have to do, and with just why in all, one, and on simply believing the very Contents of this Blog, to in all probably hold many and if not one, good of an Idea that is and so to speak, one in all even though, might in all again, find a lackluster response, and in speak of of oneself too, and as with regards to in all even, making it all real that is. That this in all, does simply speak even perhaps, and of whom or who, Africans in all, are, and as said Perverted that is.

That Africans in all, do not in many a way it is truly believed, believe themselves Perverted in all, but do in all even perhaps believe Perversions, and to simply speak even of anything not said African that is.

In helping one understand all this, is to tell one that, speak of Perversions in all, do in all even speak of the very manner or way, we do in all even think of Heaven, Paradise, Utopia, Eden, Cloud Nine, Kingdom of God, Promised Land, Zion, or even speak too perhaps of Zamani that is, and that in all ways even, Africans have in all it said here too, failed in all perhaps, and in defining themselves truly and in such said manners in all that is, and as with it all even perhaps said a world or existence in all again, believed said even and to arise, and with speak of an African Commerce/Democracy that is.

That the driving force that does speak even and of an African Commerce/Democracy in itself, is said in all again, and to speak even of our definitions of Heaven, Paradise etc., and that in all ways even, it does speak of Africa, and as truly related and with Religious/Spiritual Traditions in all, and that do in all even speak of Mysticism too that is, and in speak too in all even here, and of Kenya for instance, and as said home and to many a Religious Group/Denomination that is, and who in all even do attempt to provide in all, or probably describe too, what Heaven or Paradise, truly is like that is.

The African Eden:
