Monday 8 December 2014

African Initiatives

African Initiatives.

This entry in all, will now attempt to spearhead or mobilize in all again, many an agency, and in truly helping make the Contents of this Blog, and many another and by the Blogger here too, a reality, and from a very practical perspective too that is.  That in all, it is believed that, that only two said known channels or approaches in all, could be of help and in helping making all this real, and in a rather practical manner: African Journalism, and speak too of African Production that is.

That African Journalism, does best speak in all and of it said Egyptian too, and in speak of Egypt for instance, and alongside speak of the Contents of this Blog too perhaps (and many another by the Blogger here too), and as helping in all, truly determine, what Content/News that is, is said beneficial, praiseworthy or noteworthy too, and in helping redesign African Media in all, and as going along in all even, and with speak of African Commerce/Democracy that is.

That African Production, now does in all even speak of Nigeria, and Production too, and as basically speaking of Layouts & Formats for instance, but in all ways even, speak of the very presenting of anything said African, and in a rather positive light, and that does speak even of an African Sentiment, and as speaking in all even, and of a Group Consciousness too for instance [and in speak here too, and of the Advent, and of an African Commerce/Democracy that is].