Saturday 6 December 2014

African History

African History.

This entry, will in many a way in all, attempt to have one, think of African societies, and if not African Commerce in itself, and in a manner that is simply said conducive, in that, it does speak of viewing oneself, and as one truly is. For the subject or topic of African History, is not what it appears to be and to most, and as believed even something not worthwhile in studying in all, but it truly is, and if approached in all, and in speak even truly, and of African/Historical Backgrounds that is [and with another approach, speaking even, and of the studying in all, and of African Poetry that is].

In helping one understand this, African History, and as speaking in all even of African Commerce, is to now in many a way, hint at the History of the United States of America, and when in all approached, and from speak of Backgrounds that is. That the History of the United Sates of America, and in more recent times too, and in speak even of Background, does in all even speak of notable Figures and such as Andrew Carnegie, or even Thomas Edison too, and in speak of America now in all, or the United States of America too, and as associated and with speak of the Mass production of Electricity, Telephones, Telegraphs, Television, or even the Teleprompter in itself too that is. Backgrounds in all though, and when perceived and from speak of Materialism or Materiality, are not always what they appear to be, and as the United States of America for instance, and as said to in all even advance and in Materiality or Materialism too, now does see though, most Americans in all, and in speak of Background too, Historical, and if not speak of Family in itself, very much even associated and with speak even of Country Music, or even Rap and RnB Music too, and in an America too, where past Music Traditions, and as speaking even of Background, did in all even sound as follows: Link.

That in all, and on arriving in America today perhaps, and in speak too of a Mindset and that does speak even of African Commerce, one will in all even find ones Background very much associated and with speak even of Rap Music, RnB, or even Country Music too, and speak furtherly of the word/term Nigger, and as very much now said perhaps, very much a part of ones Community Make-up that is [Link].

In all again, and in attempting to spearhead African Commerce here in all, and in speak too now of an African Democracy, and as attempting in all, and in truly defining what does constitute for an African Wealth, and as with it all even, truly having in all again, Africans, simply learn in all, and of simply how to deal with, and with many a Defeatist Attitude/Mentality that is, and which does in all even speak of Africans, and as not viewing their Backgrounds, and in a manner and that does speak even of African Psychology in itself, and in speak now, and of associating Backgrounds or Wealth in itself, and with anything said not African that is [that in all, if one did truly know what African Wealth truly was, one would in many a way learn to simply acknowledge ones History, and in Background too, and in a more or less positive manner, and in speak too of associating Success in itself, and with speak of Taboo too for instance].

What in all though, does stand for or represent for in all, and for African Wealth that is? It in all, does not only speak of the Material Possessions we might for instance wish to covet in all, but in all ways truly even, speak of African Designs, African Materials, and in all ways truly too, speak of African relations/relationships in themselves, and as basically said defining what African Wealth is truly all about that is [that in all, this does speak even of African Identity, and as versus that said Egyptian, Afro-American, African-American, or even African Emigre (Link) that is].

In helping one understand all this better, and in a World today in all said defined very much and by Modern/Western Media too, and as said in all even, Global, International or Worldly in its ways, is to now in all even attempt to have one thinking of African Wealth, and as referencing speak of Wealth outside Africa, but in all ways even, an attempt here, and to define African Wealth, and from an intrinsic perspective that is [or what is believed to represent for African Wealth in itself, and as speaking truly and only of Africa that is - Link].

When one for instance, does think of what manner is best in all, and in defining African Wealth, it is best in all again, and to reference many a place outside Africa, and in speak too of Backgrounds, African History, and even African Commerce/Democracy that is [or speak here even, and of the mobilization of Africa's Labour forces in all, and in helping build societies truly, advanced in all, and in speak of African Wealth, and African/Historical Backgrounds too that is]. That in all for instance, when one does think of Asia, and as with regards to defining African Wealth, one in all then can truly refer, and to the post on African Expediency that is [Link]. In speak of African Wealth and as defined and as said referencing Europe in all, is to now in all even speak of the post and on African Religion that is [Link]. In speak of African Wealth, and as defined and in speak of referencing Swahili culture and if not the Middle East too, speak now, and of the post on African Languages that is [Link]. In speak of African Wealth, and as defined and in speak even of Egyptian History in all, and in speak too of Backgrounds that is, is to now in all even speak on the post on African Partitions that is [Link]. In speak though and of the World in itself, and in attempting now to discover in all perhaps, what does constitute for a said generic African Wealth, and in speak even of the redefining of African Backgrounds in all, and in speak too of Cultural/Media influence too and that does speak in all of Backgrounds that is, is to now in all even refer and to the post on African Methodologies [Link], and if not speak of the African Atlas that is [Link].

In all, what is been said here is that, that in speak of the Defeatist Mentalities/Attitudes, and that do still very much plague Africans today, and as still struggling and in perceiving themselves positively, and in speak of Backgrounds too in all, Family and Historical that is, most said advancements and as associated with Africa today, do in all even speak of Background in itself, but that in all even, Advancements in all, and that do speak of the Defeatist, and as with they in all even speaking of Donor Aid for instance, and that African Identity today too, now does in all even speak of 'Loser Mentalities/Attitudes' in all that is [and in speak even of Africans, and as failing in all, and in simply learning to define Value or Worth in their lives, and in learning simply, just how best to define Capital, and Capital too, and as said everyday too, needed to make African Commerce/Democracy a reality that is]. In all, an attempt to truly define African Commerce/Democracy, African Wealth, and in speak too of the very manner Africans do think of Change in all, and as said speaking in all again, and of African Perceptions of African Family and Historical Backgrounds in themselves, but speak in all again, and of outside Influence to Africa, and as truly having one ponder, what in all does constitute and for positive Perceptions in all, and of Background in itself that is.