Wednesday 3 December 2014



This entry in all, very much has to do, and with speak of Africa, and as often said divided in all again, and in speak too of Cultural Influence in itself that is [and as often said African and in origins too in all, or even speak of that said Trans-Atlantic (Link), or speak in all again and of that said Western, and not European, American, English or even Modern too either that is].

In having said the above, is to now present the very view that, Africans in all, and when simply perceived as such, as African that is (and not 'Black African' either truly), are simply in all again said to actually suffer from Racialism, and on the World Stage too, and not Racism truly either. Something difficult to comprehend perhaps, and in knowing what does constitute for Racialism in all, and as Racism too does differ in its ways or manners, and as with it in all even, associated and with speak of our notions of Taboo in all, and if not Taboo in itself, and in speak now in all even, and of Segregation in itself too, and as said truly Racism in all, and in speak too perhaps, and of the Politics, and that do speak of Redress/Readdress in itself that is.

However though, Racialism, does in all even differ, and as targeted towards Africans too (and not 'Black Africans' truly either), but than in all ways even, it does speak too of Africa, and as said even divided and into the following Regions in all: Africa, Ethiopia & Somalia, Swahili and South Africa too. That in speaking of Africa, and as simply rationalized just above, is to now in all even associate Africa, and as simply mentioned above too, and with Racialism, while the other three mentioned in all again, often do associate their History, and with Racism that is [and outside speak too of Zulu South Africa that is].

In all, what exactly is Racialism? It in all again, does deal with our very notions of Superiority-Inferiority-Equality, and such that, Racialism is often deemed an everyday Affair in all, and that is best dealt in all again, and with many a Forum too, and as said even rather Independent/Autonomous and in its ways too that is. That Racialism, does in all even speak of perceiving African History differently, and away from the very perspective of Egypt too (and as in now associating Slavery in Africa, and with Racialism, and not Racism either), and towards speak now, and of Greek views, and on Africa that is. That Africa, and when viewed from a Greek Lense, does speak of it all and as associated in all again, and with Racialism, and as compared to speak of Egypt, and which does in all even view Africa from Lenses, and that do speak of Racism, and with the Coptic Church in Egypt too, and as said in all even, very much African that is [and not Egyptian truly either].

That in all, speak even of Greek views of Africa, does in all even, not speak of Moors, Ethiopes, Africans and Egyptians [and as said races too] [and as the Coptic Church in Egypt probably would], but that in all ways even, speak and of the defining of the African Memory for instance, the African Mind, or even speak of African Concepts of Time too that is. That in all, viewing Africa and knowingly too, and from the three mentioned in all and above that is, does speak even and of possessing an African Sentiment in itself (and in the very least too), or speak even and of the very said possessing in all, and of an African Disposition, and if not speak of African Genes either that is.

In speaking of Greece and Africa as above, is to in all even now, not speak of Crete and the Greek Isles truly either [and speak too of the birth in all even, and of Orthodox Christianity that is], for the History of the Cretans, and as said in all even and to speak of the Cross in itself, can best be said and to speak of the following Names too, and in themselves too that is : Aristotle/Greece, Egypt/Alexandria, Italy, Europe, Israel/Jerusalem, Africa and even America too that is. In speaking though and of Greece, and Africa, and from speak even of the African Memory, the African Mind, or speak too of African Concepts of Time, and if not speak specifically either, and of African Dispositions in themselves, now does speak in all even, and of what some do term the Hidden History of the World, and as it is even said believed that, Greek Macedon Civilization, was actually said African, and in the four manners in all, mentioned before, and if not in speak, and of African Sentiments in themselves that is [that Greek Macedon Civilization, now does offer a new manner/way of viewing/defining African Identity, and in Africa too, and in speak of Dispositions and Sentiment too that is].

In all, a troubling view perhaps, and of presenting History, and to the African mind too, and as such History in all, and of said African Culture and outside Africa too, is often in all again relegated in all perhaps, and to speak only of Spain, the United States of America, and the Americas in themselves too that is [and a History too, not believed said truly well presented in all, and as the History of Slavery in the Americas, does not probably best speak of Europe and the British too in all, but that in Myth in all again, best perceived and in speak of Iberia, Conquistador Myth, and even speak of African Customs in themselves (Link), and as with it in all even again, said to lead and to speak of the Haitian Revolution, and the very end of Slavery too that is].

In all, Greek Macedon Civilization, believed to have achieved great heights in all, and in speak of Thought and in Religion in itself too, and as with it all even said to speak of what some do term Secretive or Forbidden Knowledge in all, and as often said to go along in all even, and with the term 'Power-Grabbing' for instance. In all, the Arcane is said in all, and to speak of Greek Macedon Civilization and in Tradition too, and not speak truly either and of the Cretan or Egyptian Traditions too that is. For the Cretan Tradition, is actually known in many a way, and to speak of the Statue of Liberty and in America too, while that said Egyptian, now does open one up, and to History, that is best perceived in all, and in speak of Africa that is, and as in associating the Egyptian Tradition, and with Freemasonry and the rise of Architecture too, and as compared now and to speak of Civilization in Africa, and as now truly said even, associated in all and with speak of Artifacts in themselves : Artifacts (Artefacts, Relics, Symbols, Collectibles, Antiques, Arch., Momentos etc.), and as with they in all even now, believed to have a profound impact for instance, and on ones Psyche, and if not Memory in particular, and in speak in all, and of now viewing life and in many an interesting manner, and once exposed to them that is [that African Humour for instance, and as compared to that said Egyptian too, is believed in all even, and to surpass them all that is]. In all again, the Cretan Tradition, and as best perhaps associated, and with the Invention of Gunpowder in itself, but speak too and of the Compass that is [and the further belief that, Civilization, is simply said truly Egyptian in all, and not Asian, or Meso-American either for instance].

In all perhaps, Spiritual Traditions and in Speech too, and in Macedon Greek Civilization, speaking in all even perhaps, and of 'The Lord of the Rings' for instance, while those said Egyptian, do in all even speak of Sherlock Holmes in all, and with those said Cretan, best said associated and with Shakespeare too for instance.

In all again, what we are trying to get to here, is that, there does exist a History in all, and of Racialism, and against Africans too in all, and that is now even perceived and in speak of the norm too, and which does not arise and with speak of Spain or the Americas in themselves either, but in all ways even, and with speak of Greek Macedon Civilization that is. A History, difficult to discern in all perhaps, and in speak even of those who do view Africa, and from speak of its races too in all, but that this History in all again, has now become enmeshed in all perhaps, and in speak of an African Commerce that is, and as with it in all even speaking in all again, and of the marvels, and if not wonders too, and of Egypt that is [and in speak too, and of massive Egyptian Sculpture in all]. That in all again, what we are trying to say here is that, History in itself, is a subject not well understood to most, and in speak of it too and as perceived in all, and of the 'rise' perhaps, and of Hatred or Anger (and a way from speak of Eve and Adam, or even Cain and Abel too), and towards each or one other, but from an African Context in all and that does speak even of African Commerce/Democracy too perhaps, it does in all even it is believed said, speak and of the very manner that Africans in all, do Project Power in itself, and not Express it either that is [and with the Projection of Power too, simply said here and to speak in all and for instance, and of Nazi Germany/France that is].

In all, the Psychology of Hatred & Anger, and as often said to speak of Morbidity too, and as a topic or subject in all again, often best presented, and in speak of Evolutionary Thought in itself too that is.