Thursday 25 December 2014

Offshore/Overseas Identity

Offshore/Overseas Identity.


When one does speak of Africa, and in speak too of Offshore/Overseas Identity in all, one is in all ways even now, speaking of African Identity, and as perhaps said authentic and genuine in its ways, and as said merging with that, and outside Africa too, and in basic speak here, and of Architecture/Artifacts, 'Works of Art' (Link), Language/Diet, and speak too and of Fashion Dress that is. In all, Offshore/Overseas Development, and in speak too of an African Commerce/Democracy, often referring to a said known fact in all, and alongside speak even of African Journalism, and of those in all and who do take an active interest, and in speak of African Politics that is, and African Politics too, and as said defined and in speak of African Personas, African Profiles, and African Sentiments too that is [that in all, speak here for instance, and of Moorish Identity, and in speak too of Moorish Architecture, and those in all again, simply said interested and in incorporating, elements in all, and of African Political life, and into their spheres of living so to speak]. 

Moorish/French inspired Politics / 'Work of Art':