Friday 19 December 2014

African Soldiery

African Soldiery.

This post in all, can be said inspired, and by speak and of what some do term, IFA that is. That IFA, is often wrongly said, to be Yoruba Religion in itself, when it in all, can even be said, and to speak of Amalgamated African Religion, and as found/seen in Africa today that is [and not the Americas either]. That it in all, does in all even refer, and to the very manner the Internet, and if not speak of Modern Telecommunications/Communications Systems in all, have come to impact our very lives that is.

That in putting a simple European perspective to this all, speak now and of the Russians, the English, the French, or even the Germans too, and as said possessing in all, differing/different Accents ito them, and which in all again, and in speak of the English Language too, does in all even lead them, and to present Material, differently from each other in all, and in the name of Clarity and Understanding too that is.

That in all again, Africa today, is simply said a different place, and from speak even and of Slavery and Colonialism too, and not in speak either of its said Modern Infrastructure in all, and which in all even does appear Western that is (and in speak here of Nairobi, Western, and as versus Johannesburg, Modern), and in speak now truly, and of speech, and as said referring in all even, and to speak of Lingua Franca too (or speak even and of Language, and as primarily associated in all, and with speak of Communications and Survival skills too), in that, Africa in all has developed new Lingua Franca, and as with it in all even said to speak of IFA too, but that in all ways even, it does in all even refer and to African Religion, and as termed (West African) Vodun, Mayombe/Osain, Macumba, Santeria, Lucumi, Umbundu etc., and that does in all even, speak of African Religion, and not in the form of Ancestral Traditions that is, but in all ways truly even, and in speak of Lingua Franca, African, and of African Communications/'Oracles', and in speak even and of what in all does constitute and for Security, and in Africa today too that is [that Africa in all, has proven and to be of huge interest, and to many a person out there and that does study Security in all, and if not Securitization too, and as African Security, does in all even speak of African Lingua Franca, and as said even, and to speak of Africa, and as said interestingly enough, Western in Research, African, and not Modern either][Link][that in all again, Africa and from the perspective of the (International) Observer (Link), is said Western, but from speak of the Expert (Link), is believed said backwardly Modern, and in Development too that is][that if one in all again, was to take the Management involved and in setting up a Housing Complex in Africa, one would realize that, speak of it from Funding, might speak of a Bank, Modern too, but speak of one and as putting it all up, now does in all even speak of the very world of Lingua Franca in Africa that is].

In all, what we are attempting to say here in all again, is that, we do appear, and to have reached a point, and in speak of Civilization, and as it does stand today, and that does in all even now, associate Africa in itself, and with Lingua Franca too, and the World outside Africa, and in speak of Family, and in Prestige too that is [what is been said here is that, and in speak of Lingua Franca too, when it does in all come and to the speaking of in all again, and of just about any problem out there, there are multiple of ways and of doing as such, and as not only speaking of the Storytelling Tradition, but in all ways even, and of the Telling in itself too][or speak even and of the manner pr way, one does in all Pause, or clear something up, or enforce a point etc., such that, Africa now, and in speak too of Lingua France, and the Telling in all, does now appear to seek out many a person, and of Native/Indigenous dispositions too, and in speak here and of the Blogger here too, and to simply tell them of many a thing, and in a manner, they would truly like that is][that hopefully all this is understood, and in speaking and of IFA in itself too, and as now said to possess, Lingua Franca in all, and in speak of Communications truly, capable of creating Media, and just whereby in all again, all of Africa's problems, are in all ways even solved, and via speak of Communications that is, and that are simply said truly impressive in their ways in all]. For the World outside Africa though, Civilization and as it stands, now speaking in all, and of Family too, and as with it in all even said to be simply breaking down, and if not truly degenerating that is [and alongside speak even, and of beliefs that, the so termed First World, does have many Reproduction issues to it, and in speak of said declining Birth-rates for instance, and in speak of beliefs and that do say, the future of Europe, does now speak of its Immigrant populations in all that is][Link].

In all, what is been said here, and with some difficulty too, and outside speak even, and of African Commerce/Democracy in all, African Lingua Franca and as mentioned above, is today primarily in all even, associated, and with speak of Security issues/matters in themselves (and if not speak of Securitization too), and in speak even and of Food Production for instance (or Africa today too, and as said Western, and not Modern either), but that in all ways even, speak of the very manner or way and by which most Africans do in all speak and of anything too, does in all even speak today, and of Internet/Computing technologies in all, and if not Telecommunications in themselves too, but that in all ways even, speak here of Communications in all again, and as said truly needed, and in helping Africans consolidate whom/who in all they are, and in Experience too, and as said in all even and to speaking of bringing together all Africans, and as said communicating in harmony too, and in speak of their understanding of their differences, and as said not only Historical, but Conventional and in preference too, and that does in all even speak of Africa developing unique Communications, and that do in all even it is believed here, and in a Blog said not Western or Modern either, but in many a way truly, speaking in all even, and of African Christianity, Communications, and as said speaking of Communications and as seen/found, and in IFA too that is. 

In all, and in perhaps, apprehensively ending this entry, and as in hoping it did in all, make many a point clear, that there does still exist, a world of Lingua Franca, African, unknown to most, and that does in all even speak of African Soldiery, and in speak too of the History of Angola, and which does in all even speak too of Capoeira that is.That Capoeira, and when said even operating, and withing a Slavery Context, is very much employed or used, and in speak too of Security in itself, and as said to speak of Capoeiristas that is, and as employed in certain capacities and in the Portuguese Militaries in Brazil, and as said Sailors too, as Dockworkers, as Political Messengers and from speak too of Diplomatic Agency, as Local Market Financiers, as Security to Noble Houses in Brazil, as Cabaret Performers etc. In all, what is been said here is that, Capoeira in all, is not used in Brazil, and as a Weapon of Resistance as many do often seem to state, but that in all ways even, as a Means of Monitoring in all, and of Violence too for instance, and in a Brazil too, Slave holding in its ways, and in speak now and of helping end Slavery, and in Brazil that is. In all again, speak here in all, and of the very belief that, African Soldiery, and as with it known to exist, but not often spoken about, known to house a Lingua Franca, believed even rather Lethal in its ways that is.