Monday 22 December 2014

The Divine Breathe

The Divine Breathe.

Those living in Kenya or Eastern Africa in all, have always truly had their very own definitions, and of what it does mean to be African. The very first of these, has often associated Africa or Eastern Africa too in all, and with speak only of Nubia that is [and the very false belief that, Black skinned Africans, and as simply said/termed here the Nubae too perhaps (Link), are believed said truly African, and everyone else, is simply said to be that is]. This view in all though, and as said in all even, and to speak of Commerce / the Commercial and in Eastern Africa too in all, now does in all even associate culture in Kenya for instance, African, and with speak of Nyama Choma, Kenyan Beer, Nubian Sentiment (Link) and Swahili Sensibilities (Link) too that is. 

In all, what is been said here is that, there is another view in all again, and that does speak of Kenya, and that does now in all even, associate speak of Africa, and with those simply said to have African Hair that is. An Identity in all, and that is in all even believed to say, that those having African Hair in all, and in Africa and outside it too, do in all have a similar Identity, Spiritual, and that does in all even speak of Breathe that is [and of Impact, and in our lives too that is]. That Impact here in all again, and in speak too of Breathe, is often associated in all, and with speak of Media, and further speak in all, and of Media, and as truly creating for us all, Identity, and that does speak of Impact, and in speak too of Breathe that is. 

In all, the very belief, false though, that those with said African Hair, do in all share the same Breathe (and in basic speak here of Awareness and Conscious States too) , and in speak of Spirituality too , and in all again and of the making of an Impact, and in our lives, the lives of others, and if not speak of God, the environment and the environs too, but that in all ways even, this Identity in all, and as with it in all again, often associated and with speak of Commerce and Commercial Identities in all, and in speak too now, and of creating Identity, and as said to span the Globe or World that is.