Sunday 21 December 2014



This entry in many a way, does have a basic premise, and to it all: speak of the Word, and as versus the Image too. For it in all, does actually speak of Kenya, and of those said Kenyan too, and as said even rather Intelligent people that is. That Kenya in all, is often believed a place/land, and as said to house/hold lots of Potential, but without most out there, knowing what this Potential is. For while the World today, is often presented and in speak of Technology, Modern, and if not speak of Infrastructure too, Western, it is believed that those in Africa/Kenya in all, can truly benefit from seeing it all, and in speak of the Word/Picture, and as versus the Image that is [and in speak too of Photography in all].

In all,speak of the very world of the Word/Picture vs. the Image, is in all actually truly said Egyptian in all (and with speak of the Image, said in all even and to speak of the Forbidden and Secretive too), but that in all ways now, it does appear to have become, an intrinsic part, and of Eastern African Identity that is. That it in all again, does speak of Africa, and in Theory too (and not Media either), and as said Partitioned, and as African Theory (and not African Theology, Philosophy or Media either), does in all truly appear, and to have a home and in Kenya too that is [and with African Theory, truly speaking of Communications & Order that is].

For while African Theology here, and in speak of Reference too, does speak of the Congo, and African Philosophy and as referring and to Egypt, African Media in all again, does in all even speak of Nigeria, and with African Religion outside Egypt (but with Egyptian Religion, very much still in all even said African that is), does speak in all, and of it said Meroitic/Aksumite that is [Link].

Having said all this, is to now enter the very world of African Theory, and as now truly in all even, associated, and with the Partitioning of Africa in itself that is. That in all again, and surprisingly enough too perhaps, the hope of Africa, and as said even rather Independent in Thought too, has truly come to be tied down, and in speak of Kenya (and African Theory), and not speak of African Media truly either, African Theology, African Philosophy, or even speak of African Religion too that is [and with South Africa, now appearing to in all even to present itself, and as African, and in speak of African Spirituality, and in speak too of Scientology in South Africa for instance][Link][For African Spirituality in all, is believed in all again, said truly Akan/Ashanti/Ghanaian that is].

In having said all this, is to now present the view that, the very rise of Photography in our World today (and as in equating Google here, and to Google Images that is), has in all ways truly even, brought many a question in all, and in speak of Validity too, and as dealing with Theory that is. That in all, speak even and of Partitionist Theories of anything (and as including Africa too), does in all even speak of Settlements, African Theory, and of their being truly defined and by Communications & Order that is. That in all, speak even of Ethnic Cleansings in Kenya, does have to do and with Partitionist Theories in Kenya (and in speak of formerly said Kenyan Provinces too), and that does in all even now, speak of Kenyan existences in all, and as said Colonial in their ways too, having been once peaceful in their ways, and before Ethnic Uprisings, and as often poorly termed Revolt too, does in all even see many a person attempt to invade, many a Partition that is. In all, the very world of Partition, African Theory and as said meeting Religion too, does in all even speak of the Holy Spirit and as said Concept, and not Ideal either that is [and in speak too of John the Baptist for instance] [Holy Spirit - Link].

In finalizing all this, speak now and of Religion in Kenya, and of Dahomey/Benin too, and as perhaps associated and with speak of African Theory in all (and in speak too of Haiti and as said Republic), does now speak and of Kenyan Identity, and as said Eastern African too, and in speak now, and of Religion and that does in all even analyze the Word and the Image too, and in speak too and of said Partitions too that is, and as versus speak of African Theory (Communications & Order) in itself too that is.