Tuesday 2 December 2014

African Religion

African Religion.

This entry, will attempt to deal and with the problematic nature, and of understanding African Religion in all, and from a said Transitional Context, and as pertaining even, and to not only speak of the evolving/evolvement of societies in themselves, but in all ways truly, and of what does constitute and for an African Scholarly Tradition for instance. That African Religion, and alongside speak even of African Media, is not what it appears to be, and to many a person out there too, and as it is often poorly presented in all, and from a Historic manner that is, and which in all does speak even of viewing it all, and from a Ritualized manner, and as versus that said Congressional too in all [that African Religion, is more or less truly Congressional in its ways, and not truly Ritualistic either that is].

In having said the above, is to also present the view that, African Religion, and as said in all even Phenomenological too, does speak of African Religion and as compared to other Religion out there (and with the exception too perhaps, and of that said Japanese too), and that does in all even now, speak of Religion, and from the very perspective of Thought and Media, and which does see most Religion out there, associating Thought with Structure/Organization, and Media with Experience, while African Religion in all, does in all even truly, associate Thought with Experience, and Media with Structure/Organization that is [and with both in all, not believed said Mutually Exclusive either].

In having said the above, is to now present African Religion, and from more or less a Transitional or Transient perspective, and in speak now and of the studying of African Religion, and as said in all even to speak of the History of Slavery, Apartheid or Colonialism and in Africa too, and in its impact on African Religious Ritualism for instance, or speak truly even, and of the Transient in all, and Africa too and as said even opening up to the rest of the World, and in speak now of many an African, said simply Restless (and further speak too of many an African Political Movement/Ideology that is), and which does in all even speak of Africans, and as simply said truly unsatisfied with their lives, and in speak too and of what does constitute for the African Experience that is.

In having said this, is to now present African Religion, and as said Transitional too, is to now in all even speak of it, and as said in all Contemporary, Conventional, Popular, State and even Incendiary too that is [and away in all, and from speak too of Ancestor/Ancestral Religious Traditions in themselves that is]. In speak of it all though, and as said Transient, is to present it all, and from it said as Independent, or Autonomous too that is.

In speaking of African Contemporary Religion, is to now in all even, speak of it and as truly associated and with speak of Contemporary African Art (and as with it even said Modern, and if not Western too), and by which Africans in all, do seek to delineate in all, their life Experiences, and from very much even a Learning process too, and as in speak now and in all even and of tying down these Experiences, and to speak too of African History that is [that in all, Contemporary African Art/Religion, does in all even attempt, and to have one viewing ones History, and in a differing manner in all, and in speak of Empowerment in itself too that is]. In all, African Contemporary Art/Religion, and as often associated with those and who in all do view Africa, and from a Historic/Material perspective, and as with it often believed said to speak of the wanting in all, and with the exception in all again, and of certain African peoples/groups/tribes that is [and further speak in all even, and of Africa, and as perceived from a said Nilo-Saharan perspective too that is].

In speak of African Conventional Religion, is to now actually speak of Africa and as it currently or presently truly is, and as interestingly enough, any approach and in the attempt to solve Africa's problems, never do perceive it all, and from speak of African Conventional Religion, but with it Religion too, and that does in all even speak of Tribal/Ethnic Conflict in Africa, and as often associated and with speak of Land Rights issues/matters for instance, and Religion too that is, and that does in all even attempt to present Africa, and from speak of Country, country, Land, land, people, People, regions, Territories, places, Localities etc. In all, speak too of everyday African life and as it is lived out, and in all ways even, African Conventional Religion, and as not only dealing and with issues/matters and as pertaining to Roots, Descent or Origins in all, but in all ways even, speak of many a Political issue/matter, and as going along in all again, and with speak of Graft, Corruption, Inefficiency, or even Bribery in itself too that is. In all again, speak here in all, and of Upraising Africans in spirit, and in the very least too that is [and with Afrocentrism for instance, classified in all, and in speak of African Conventional Religion that is].

In speak now of African Popular Religion, is to now in all even, speak of Africans, and as actively attempting to very much solve their own problems, and in speak too of Identity, and as said even referring to Family, and as associated in all even, and with many an Investment/Social Policy for instance [or speak too, and of Africa in all, and as often presented and from speak of Business/Entrepreneurial/Market News Media that is]. In all, African Popular Religion, and as said in all even having to it, Congregationalist mindsets in all, and as with they in all even discussing Opportunity in all again, and from an Investment framework perspective, and Investment too, and as not only said Economic, but Cultural, Educational and if not Religious Historic too, and in an Africa, where Government in all is simply believed to have failed in its ways, and in helping Develop Africa, and in speak too of African Government and as often specifically associated and with the poor and suffering, and with those said succeeding/stable in their ways, in all actually associated, and with speak of Family, and from the very perspective of African Popular Religion that is.

In speak of African State Religion, is to now in all even, speak of African Administration/Bureaucracy in itself, and as said in all even, associated, and with speak of Modern Media in itself, and in speak too perhaps, and of Presentation Formats/Layouts that is. That African State Religion, is now often associated for instance, and with African Policing Systems (and not Militaristic either), and in speak too of Media, Modern, and that does in all even attempt to define and for many an African, and via speak even of an Editorial, a Sunday Feature/Special, A Weekend Zine, Interviews, Celebration/Perspective pieces, Political/Cultural Commentary etc., what in all, Fellow (Human being) relations/relationships, and as said to speak of the State and if not speak of Continental Identity either, is said believed to truly be all about. In all again, Religion, and as said even associated by some, and with the term Licence/Licentious for instance, and as with it all even speaking of Africa, and as perceived from speak of Research (and as said Modern, Traditional, Academic, International, Military etc.), Technology (Indigenous, Western, Native, Spiritual etc.), or even speak of Materials/Mediums/Faculty/Science, and in speak too, and of Social Studies' that is.

What one in all though, could term an African Incendiary Religion, we are in all now truly speaking of Africans, and as truly pondering what, does constitute for Heaven, Hell and if not Extinction in itself, and in speak too of African Religion, and as perceived, and from Themes in all, and as originating and with speak of Evolutionary Psychology or even Evolutionary Theory too, and which in all even does speak of African Religion, and as often primarily associated with speak of Herbalism, Herbology, Pharmacology, Drugs/Substances, or even Spirits in themselves, and as furtherly in all even speaking of Possessive States, and as best here even best associated perhaps, and with speak too of an Ancestral Memory that is. In all, probably the Africa, most are often seeking out, and as with it believed even said, and to house many an exemplary Character to it all that is [and speak too, and of African History, and as directly even associated, and with speak too of the Haitian Revolution, or even speak of Slave Revolt and in the Caribbean too that is].

In all, speak now too, and of African Religion and as said Transient in itself, and in speak of African Religion, and as said associated, and with speak of the Independent, and the Autonomous too that is. That the former, does in all even speak of the rise and of not only many an African Ritualistic Space in all, but speak too of Towns and cities/Cities in themselves that is, and as Africans now, define themselves, and in speak too of Independence, and as minimally even, associated, and with many a varying in all, Movement, Motion or Activity too [and as often said Economic and if not Social either that is]. In all, African Towns or cities/Cities, and if not speak of African Ritualized Spaces too, and as said arising in all and with African definitions, and of Movement, Motion and Activity too, and as speaking in all even, and of African concepts of Death in itself, and in further speak too perhaps, and of Judgment, and upon Dying that is. Those Religions though, African too, said Autonomous, do in all even (and as said historically in all, to speak of Moors or Ethiopes too, and if not Egypt mythologized in itself that is), referring to what Beliefs in all, one does believe to be concrete/true and if not the Truth in itself (and in speak of Adages for instance), and Truths/Beliefs in all again, which in all do dictate, what does happen to one and at every moment too, and in speak too in all, and of Religion, and as truly said Monotheistic, and in speak of one, and as said not resembling God in particular, but truly in all perhaps, becoming God in 'himself' that is [and in speak too for instance, and of Religion, and that does in all even associate God or Angels too, Fallen, and as said having an Earthly/Human Experience that is].