Wednesday 17 December 2014

African Profiles

African Profiles.

This entry, very much has to do, and with speak of Design in itself, and of an African Commerce/Democracy too that is. That most in all, do in all again believe, that the key to having Africa simply get started on its ways, and moving in all, and to speak of Economic Prosperity too that is, is believed said to lie and in African Telecommunications/Communications Systems that is, and in speak now and of Knowledge/Information, and as simply said a Commodity too in all (and not Coded truly either), and in speak now, and of African Identity, and as simply said to speak of the Beneficiary that is [that the Telecommunications/Communications Boom in all, has in all even had African Identity now, stringently associated with the Beneficiary, and not the Outcome either, and in speak now of Money in Africa, and as said to truly speak only of Knowledge/Information, and as said Commodity too, and if not theoretically speaking here, and of Outcomes, and as said in all again Decoded that is]. In all, further speak here that is, and of African Monetary and Banking Systems, and as said to speak only of Beneficiaries in all that is.

In helping one understand all this better, is to perhaps now associate African societies, and in speak too of an African Commerce/Democracy, and with Profiling Systems that is. Profiling Systems too, and that do in all even, speak of defining Africa in all, and in speak of Backgrounds, Inclusionism/Exclusionism, Filing/Securitization Systems, and if not speak of Pricing/Valuation Mechanisms that is. That in all, the building of such Systems, Private too, and in the attempt to truly define in all perhaps, what does in all again, constitute and for Taste, African, and as speaking in all, and of Africa Identity in itself, and in speak too, and of the African Memory/Experience, and as said truly unique in its ways that is [and Unique too, and in speak too of Codes that is].