Thursday 11 December 2014

Media Access

Media Access.

This very entry, is believed said somewhat complicated in its ways, and in speak of debate or discussion too, and as with regards even and to speak of Forums and Presentation, and outside speak of Blogs that is. That it in all, and in the name of speak of an African Commerce/Democracy too, does speak here in all truly even, and of what Media in all, should be made available to those in Africa, or speak even, and of Media, and as said African, UnAfrican or even Non-African too that is, and in speak even of Impact, and in society that is.

In helping simply make the above truly clear in all perhaps, speak in all even, and of African Identity, and as simply said grounded in all, and in speak of one term only: Sensitivity.

In all, while Media, and in speak of Access too in all, can simply be defined in a society, African too, and in speak in all even, and of the very manner or way society in all does define Inclusionism and Exclusionism too, or speak even and of Human Needs, Wants or Desires in all again, and as said defined and in speak of Backgrounds too that is [and not Ancestry or Ethnicity either in all].

In helping understand all this, the said History of Media in Africa, and in speak now of Access too, now does in all even speak, and of Africans, and as truly viewing their History in all, and from speak even of Privacy in itself that is. That this in all, does speak even and of Africa and as viewed, and from speak even of Traditional Knowledge Systems/Networks in all that is.

In speaking of Africa as such, and in speak that is and of Sensitivity and Privacy too in all, and as said even to speak of African Individualism that is, is to now in all even speak of Development in Africa, and as often associated with speak of Demographics too, and in speak now in all even, and of those in any given African population segment, and as perhaps showing more Individuality/Necessity, and as compared to the rest, and in speak too now in all even perhaps, and of African Politics, and as said to speak even of Social, Political, Religious, Ethnic/Tribal etc. Clashes that is.

In helping then broach a topic here in all, and that most in all even, do associate and with Private Media in Africa, is to perhaps in all again attempt to speak of the very History of Media in all, and as perhaps best said to speak of Africa, and in speak too of Sensitivity, Individualism and even Privacy in itself too that is [and as in perhaps saying that, while Kenya for instance is believed said one of the more developed of places in all, and in Africa too, it does in all even suffer from many a Privacy issue/matter in all again, and in speak too here and of South Africa too, and which does suffer from many a Sensitivity issue/matter in itself that is].

In all, if one was to accept, that African lifestyles and in Africa today, and as said satisfactory in their ways too, does even speak of whom/who one in all is, and with Media, for one can in all ways even say that, the Future of Africa in all, is believed now in all perhaps, and to very much lie in all again, and in speak of what Media, and by what group too, can be said Accessed (or Referenced) in all, and in basic speak here of Individuality/Necessity in itself that is [or speak even perhaps, and of who holds the best Opinion in all, and in speak of Africa's Future too, and as very well said Media driven, or speak even of the very reason why Media Institutes, do exist in Africa today that is][what in all is been said here is that, Democracy in Africa today, does in all even appear to speak of Media, and as said in all even Government/Non-Government, Public/Private, or even Traditional/Modern too that is].

In now starting off, and on speak of the History of Media in Africa, is to in all ways even speak of it, and from the following five main perspectives in all:

1. Age-Group Systems
2. Agendas
3. Chiefdoms
4. Aggrandization
5. Hospitality

That the above mentioned 5 in all, does speak even of the History of Africa, and as perceived and in speak of Media, and if not Conventionality in itself that is.

In speak of Age-Group Systems, is to now in all even speak of African Age-Groups, and as defined and in speak of Media, and as constituting in all, and of certain said forms of speech (and as often said differing, and by Age-Group too that is), and outside speak in all even, and of many a said Initiationary Rite that is [and in speak too of Tribal/Native or Indigenous Identity in Africa, and as said in all even Local in its ways that is]. In all, and in speak even of African Writers in all again, and such as Ngugi wa Thiong'o in all, speak even and of the Impact that Colonialism is believed to have had, and on many an African people/group, and in speak even of African Identity and as going along and with speak even primarily of Age-Group Systems, and as now in all even said to have collapsed in their ways that is.

In speak of Agendas, speak now and of what in all does for instance, motivate, many an African, and in simply wanting to hold Power in Africa, and in an Africa too, often believed falsely said destroyed perhaps, and in Image too, and in speak even of Colonialism, Slavery, Neo-Colonialism etc. that is. That in all, this does speak even of Media in Africa, and as associated truly and with speak of (Social) Capitalization in itself, and in speak now of those who do claim to have an Agenda, and on how best to Develop Africa, and for no known good reason either perhaps, and other than engage and in speak of Politics, and as best said here and to refer to Africa in all, and in speak only, and of its Human Resources that is. In all, speak even of those perhaps, and who do truly hold a differing view, and in speak of Africa's past History, and as having to do with Slavery in itself for instance.

In speak now of Chiefdoms, speak in all even, and of African Family Systems, and if not African Family Psychology in itself too, and in speak too even, and of what did constitute for Purpose/Work and in Identity and in past/traditional African societies in all (and as with they said here even, and to constitute in all, and for the African Village too), or speak even and of Entertainment in itself, or in many a way too, and of Communal/Community Wealth for instance. In all, speak even and of the very world of African Chiefs, and as with they even said to help protect Communal/Community Wealth, and if not speak of the engaging and in Village Politics for instance, and that does in all even speak , and of it and as having an Entertainment factor in itself and to it all too that is.

In speak of Aggrandization, speak in all even here, and of Africa and as it pretty is much today, and in speak of African Identity too, Modern in all, and as pretty much said Defeatist in its ways/attitude, and in speak here even and of Originality too for instance, and if not speak in all, and of African Identity and as said Totemic too, and as said truly differing today, and from that seen in the past that is [and in speak now, and of a Blood, Historic or even a Genetic/Religious disconnect, and from past forms of African life/'ways of living' that is].

Finally, speak here, and of Media, and as very much even in the very form of Hospitality in itself, and as a form of Development too, and as in perhaps pointing out that, the much reknowed region in all, and of the Scandinavia / Nordic Countries, is believed said in all even, and to go along in all again, and with speak of Hospitality too, and as in saying that, Danish Institutions for instance, do in all even it is believed only operate in all, and in speak of Hospitality in itself too, while those Institutions associated with the rest of the Scandinavia, do in all even speak only of the Hospitable that is [and as compared to other European Institutions, and which do in all even, do operate in all, and in speak of a more or less said Arbitration/Mediation process in itself that is].


Pink: // African Sensitivity